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Squad by squad swung itself up to the cindery roof and sat there in rows, feet over the edge, the central space between heaped with haversacks and muskets. "2d 4th 5th 65th Jerusalem! the whole brigade's going on this train! Another's coming right behind why don't they wait for it? Crowding gentlemen in this inconsiderate fashion! Oh, ain't it hot?

The day was overpoweringly hot, and the lake looked clear and blue: I hurried down the cindery slope, and, choked with dust, eagerly tasted the water but, to my sorrow, I found it salt as brine. The rocks on the coast abounded with great black lizards, between three and four feet long; and on the hills, an ugly yellowish-brown species was equally common.

When the momentary red had passed, Horrocks saw a charred, blackened figure, its head streaked with blood, still clutching and fumbling with the chain, and writhing in agony a cindery animal, an inhuman, monstrous creature that began a sobbing, intermittent shriek. Abruptly at the sight the ironmaster's anger passed. A deadly sickness came upon him.

It is always interesting to watch people working, especially when they work with such interesting things as spades and picks and shovels and planks and barrows, when they have cindery red fires in iron pots with round holes in them, and red lamps hanging near the works at night.

It is entirely of these cindery fragments heaped up with marvellous rapidity round the orifice that the volcano itself is first formed. It may, as in the case of Jorullo in Mexico in 1759, form a cone several hundred feet high in less than a day.

They went down a black cindery road between high walls and presently the guide said quietly, "Are you coming here to us, Mr. Aston?" "No." Christopher's voice was fervent with thankfulness. The other looked disappointed and stopped. "I'm sorry," he said. "We thought you were. There were rumours" he hesitated, "if you are not coming perhaps it is no good showing you. It makes a difference."

"'Ere it is," said the little ferret-faced man, and stooped to pick up a cindery cube. He looked at Denton, then at the others. Slowly, unwillingly, Denton stood up. A dirty-faced albino extended a hand to the ferret-faced man. "Gimme that toke," he said. He advanced threateningly, bread in hand, to Denton. "So you ain't 'ad your bellyful yet," he said. "Eh?" Now it was coming.

In 1795, during a period of volcanic activity in the craters of Makushina, on Unalaska, and in others on Umnak Island, a volume of smoke was seen to rise out of the sea about 42 miles to the north of Unalaska, and the next year it was followed by a heap of cindery material, from which arose flame and volcanic matter, the glow being visible over a radius of ten miles.

Palaces, domes, towers, and spires were tottering to red destruction, . . everywhere! ... nothing but fire, save when a furious gust of scorching wind blew aside the masses of cindery smoke, and showed glimpses of sky and the changeless shining of a few cold quiet stars.

The latter opinion received a further notable development from the fact that in 1618, a year remarkable for the appearance of three bright comets, the sun was almost free from spots; whence it was inferred that the cindery refuse from the great solar conflagration, which usually appeared as dark blotches on its surface, was occasionally thrown off in the form of comets, leaving the sun, like a snuffed taper, to blaze with renewed brilliancy.