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"That was done by the bamboo again," said Mowgli. "See! that white dust is what men eat. They have taken the kill from this one, he carried their food, and given him for a kill to Chil, the Kite." "It is the third," said Bagheera. "I will go with new, big frogs to the Father of Cobras, and feed him fat," said Mowgli to himself.

"By the Bull that bought me, I do not know! That thing has killed six times in a night. Let him go out no more." Ere Mor the Peacock flutters, ere the Monkey People cry, Ere Chil the Kite swoops down a furlong sheer, Through the Jungle very softly flits a shadow and a sigh He is Fear, O Little Hunter, he is Fear!

"You mustn't break them," said Phronsie gravely, handing him another small portion of cloth, "because you see they're very nice dishes" and she went back to her own polishing. "I won't break them," promised little Dick, beginning on an acorn saucer. "Chil dren" it was Polly's voice "oh, where are you?" They could hear her as she sped over the terrace.

A large, warm tear splashed down on his knee, and, miserable as he was, Mowgli felt happy that he was so miserable, if you can understand that upside-down sort of happiness. "As Chil the Kite used Akela," he repeated, "on the night I saved the Pack from Red Dog." He was quiet for a little, thinking of the last words of the Lone Wolf, which you, of course, remember.

Any way, it is not a matter of much importance, I suppose. There is a great deal too much of preaching, such as it is. The world is in danger of being preached out of all hearty and spontaneous religion. What would you think, if the love of parents and chil- dren were made the subject of a weekly lecture in the family, and of such lecture as the ordinary preaching is?

The repast was about concluded when Edith, who had just returned from the parsonage, came in, and called cheerily: "Hurry up, Lily, it's time to go to the festival. They're going to light up thet tree at half-past eight, and it's nearly that now." "Why, chil', Lily ain't here. She's wif yo' folks," exclaimed Delia. "With us? She hasn't been with us at all," responded Edith.

Then she answered, "Chil', you do' know de dev'ment dey is in dis worl'." "But," retorted the child, "my pappy ain' up to no dev'ment, 'case he got 'uligion an' bin baptised." "Oom-m," groaned Sistah Gibson, "dat don' mek a bit o' diffunce. Who is any mo' ma'yin' men den de preachahs demse'ves?

"Dah now, dah now," cried the woman, casting a pitying glance at the child, "dat's de las' t'ing. He des a feelin' roun' now. You po', ign'ant, mothahless chil'. You ain' nevah had no step-mothah, an' you don' know what hit means." "But she'd tek keer o' the chillen," persisted Patsy. "Sich tekin' keer of 'em ez hit 'u'd be. She'd keer fu' 'em to dey graves.

"Splendid!" cried the Doctor. "Polynesia, you have a great brain. I'll set him to work at once and see what happens." Again we all clustered round the Doctor as he carefully lifted off the glass lid and let the big beetle climb out upon his finger. "Ladybug, Ladybug, fly away home!" crooned Bumpo. "Your house is on fire and your chil " "Oh, be quiet!" snapped Polynesia crossly.

"Old Mis' wouldn' have nothin' more to do wid 'er, same as if she warnt her own chil'. But I'd go over to see 'er an' carry milk an' things out o' de garden. "It was pitiful to see my little miss poor.