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'A thieving set of magpies is all them Saunders cadgin 'ere and cadgin there. He spoke with fierce contempt, the tacit hatred of years leaping to sight. Bessie's bright brown eyes looked at him with sympathy. 'It was just his nassty spite, she said. 'He knew 'ee could never ha done it not what you've done out o' your wages.

'Yes, said Harlow; 'they lives on the fat o' the land, and wears the best of everything, and they does nothing for it but talk a lot of twaddle two or three times a week. The rest of the time they spend cadgin' money orf silly old women who thinks it's a sorter fire insurance. 'It's an old sayin' and a true one, chimed in the man on the upturned pail.

"I didn't make no answer, sir. I saw what he had in mind that I'd come off on the first opportunity, cadgin' for some reward. I turned the boat's head about, and started to pull back for the Early and Late. The men laughed after me, jeering-like. And Dog Mitchell, he laughed, too, in the wake o' them, with a kind of challenge as he saw my lack o' pluck.

So long as the weather holds we'll sleep in the bed with the green curtains, and I'll 'ave a green wood for my workshop, and when the nights get cold we'll rent a room of our very own and live like toffs, won't us?" The child's eyes were shining with excitement. "'Pon my sam, I believe you like work," said Mr. Beale in tones of intense astonishment. "I like it better'n cadgin'," said Dickie.

"Get awa' ahint me, Satan," said Tam piously. "A've gi'en oop cadgin' seegairs an' A' beg ye no' tae tempit a puir weak body. Just puit the box doon whair A' can reach it an' mebbe A'll help mesel' absintminded. A' came mon, this is a bonnie smawk! Ye maun pay an awfu' lot for these. Twa sheelin's each! Ech!

"I wanted us to live honest by our work we was doing it. And you've lowered us to the cadgin' again. That's what I can't stick," said Dickie. "It wasn't. I didn't have to do a single bit of patter for it anyhow. It was a wedding, and I stopped to 'ave a squint, and there'd been a water-cart as 'ad stopped to 'ave a squint too, and made a puddle as big as a tea-tray, and all the path wet.

It was 'is doing me and 'Melia come together. An' the dogs an' all. An' the little one. An' 'e got me to chuck the cadgin'. An' worse. 'E don't know what I was like when I met 'im. Why, I set out to make a blighted burglar of 'im you wouldn't believe!"

So don't ye," and here he turned his stolid gaze on Helmsley, "don't ye, for all that ye're old, an' poor, an' 'elpless, go cadgin' round this 'ere reverend gemmen's property, cos 'e's got a real pityin' Christian 'art o's own, an' ye'd be sent to bed wi' the turnkey." Here he paused with a comprehensive smile round at the company, then taking up his hat, he put it on.

I'd dig a hole in the hill and bury it sooner nor I'd trust it to 'im I would, by " he swore vigorously. "A thieving set of magpies is all them Saunders cadgin' 'ere and cadgin' there." He spoke with fierce contempt, the tacit hatred of years leaping to sight. Bessie's bright brown eyes looked at him with sympathy. "It was just his nassty spite," she said.