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Major Sherman paid them no attention, and the Judge, once launched in an argument, forgot his surroundings. "I have faith in Mr. Lincoln. He is calling out volunteers." "Seventy-five thousand for three months!" said the Major, vehemently, "a bucketful on a conflagration I tell you, Whipple, we'll need all the water we've got in the North." The Judge expressed his belief in this, and also that Mr.

I made a whole bucketful this morning thinking maybe my husband's folks might come over for Sunday and would be thirsty after their long drive, but it's too late for 'em now. They always start by sunup and get here before dinner. They won't be here this week, so you come in for what they don't." "I'm glad they didn't come," said Alice setting down her glass. The woman laughed.

"Jibed all standing," said Priscilla. "I didn't mean to, of course. I must have been sailing her by the lee. But it's all right. We didn't ship more than a bucketful. I say, I'm rather sorry about your hat; but that's a rotten kind of hat in a boat anyway. Would you mind getting up to windward? I've got to luff her a bit and she'll heel over." "Is it gone?" "What? Oh, the hat. Yes, quite.

The lazy girl was delighted at this, and thought to herself, 'The gold will soon be mine. Mother Holle led her, as she had led her sister, to the broad gateway; but as she was passing through, instead of the shower of gold, a great bucketful of pitch came pouring over her. 'That is in return for your services, said the old woman, and she shut the gate.

One unclasped the saw collar, one unbraced the waistcoat, another sprinkled water over him not a bucketful this time, because they would have wetted themselves. Released from the infernal machine, the body of No. 19 fell like a lump of clay upon the men who had reduced him to this condition.

But though I had found a boat, the boat itself was like to sink, for what with my weight and that of the rotten meal, and of the water which had poured over the rim, the edge of the barrel was not now an inch above the level of the sea, and I knew that did another bucketful come aboard, it would no longer bear me.

This arrangement was finally made, and the two women stood in the kitchen door, watching Robin drink a bucketful of water and eat heartily of the various viands that Mrs. Brady set forth for him, with the exception of the excelsior, which he snuffed at in disgust. "Now, ain't he smart?" said Mrs.

He jammed it through the land office thirty years ago and, they say, never did any more to comply with the law requiring delivery of the water on this ground than to have a man drive around pouring a bucketful out of a barrel upon each quarter section." "Some pretty shady transactions were put across in those early days," Bryant commented. "Well, ain't matters just as bad now?"

Major Sherman paid them no attention, and the Judge, once launched in an argument, forgot his surroundings. "I have faith in Mr. Lincoln. He is calling out volunteers." "Seventy-five thousand for three months!" said the Major, vehemently, "a bucketful on a conflagration I tell you, Whipple, we'll need all the water we've got in the North." The Judge expressed his belief in this, and also that Mr.

There is water in plenty. We are so sorry that you had all that journey for nothing. Ping! Water for Mr. Lang and a bucketful for his pony. How long since did you hear our signal shots?" "More'n an hour ago. I wasn't certain, but I thought I heard three shots. My journey was not for nothing, for I have found a tank and there we will make our next camping place."