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Farley constitute your father, or yourself, his proxy to vote his stock at a certain specified meeting of the stock-holders, which can be called later. Of course, with a majority vote of the stock, you can rearrange matters to suit yourselves, subject only to Mr. Farley's disarrangement when he resumes control of his holdings. How would that serve?" "You're the doctor," said Tom bruskly.

Already England was rousing herself to welcome her returning sons, bruskly but lustily, in her way, which was not South Africa's way. Dion loved that gale though it kept him awake all night. Next morning they were off the Start, and heard the voices of the sirens bidding them good day. On the last day of October, at about four o'clock in the afternoon, Rosamund was waiting for Dion.

Then he was watching the man again. He approached the woman and took her outstretched hand. He was laughing easily; she, smiling tremulously and gratefully. They looked into one another's eyes quite as though there were no one else in the cabin to be looked at. Next second one of the doctors stepped up bruskly, and Smith saw a swift blush come to the girl's cheeks.

"Nonsense, Evelyn!" he replied bruskly. "You must be careful what you say to me!" "I haven't been careful before!" she asserted. He bit his lips. She went swiftly on. "I have told you everything! I don't care what happens to me you know I don't, Jack! I am deadly desperately tired!" She paused, then she cried vehemently.

The product of all this irritation was, however, that he declined Rose's offer of a view of her patterns rather bruskly. "It was just curiosity, as I said. Go along your own way and don't worry about me. You will be all right." Rose couldn't feel much conviction behind this expression of confidence, and she went away, as I have said, in a sort of panic. Was she all wrong, after all?

The only time that he rose to a sense of duty was when he found her in the writing-room, her head bent over a desk. Then rumor said authority was bruskly asserted, letters were confiscated, and tears flowed instead of ink. About the time the Honorable Percival was congratulating himself on having put her in her proper place, and having kept her there, his confidence received a shock.

Isn't that so, Miss Rhoda?" "You seem to know," replied the Western girl bruskly. Laura suddenly whispered to the hooded Amelia. The latter cleared her throat portentously and said: "Sawney, it is evident that you must be taught your place. Meekness becomes you lambkins when you first come to Lakeview Hall. Slave, prepare the bandage." "What's that?" demanded Rhoda.

Her whole face reddened, almost as it had reddened when she spoke to him about the death of her mother. "Yes. I haven't signed on yet, but the doctor has passed me. I'm to be sworn in at the Guildhall on the fourth, I believe. We shall sail very soon, almost directly, I suppose. They want men out there." He did not know how bruskly he spoke; he was feeling too much to know.

"Well, that was a short horse soon curried," he said bruskly. "The power goes on to-morrow morning, and we'll blow in as soon as the furnaces are relined. Ludlow, you come to the office at five o'clock and I'll list the shifts with you. Patty, you report to Mr. Helgerson, and you and the pattern-maker show up at half-past five. I want to talk over some new work with you.

I was layin' for that houn'-dog 'at walks on his hind legs and calls hisself Vint Farley." "Who are you?" Tom demanded. "Kincaid's my name, and I'm s'posed to be one o' the strike guards; leastwise, that's what I hired out for a little spell ago. I couldn't think of nare' a better way o' gettin' at the damned " Gordon interrupted bruskly. "Cut out the curses and tell me what you owe Vint Farley.