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"Every man must act on his own free will," added the owner. "That's just what we are all doing, your honor; and every one of us would rather go than have his wages doubled. If any dumper here has a free will to go to the mainmast, he'd better put his head in soak, and" "Avast heaving, Boxie!" interposed the owner, smiling in spite of himself at the earnestness of the old sailor.

In another hour she could be very distinctly made out, though the chase had not been so clearly made out the night before as to enable the officers to identify her. Paul Vapoor was in his element again, and the Bellevite was doing her best. The two vessels were approaching each other, and Boxie suggested that there would be "music" in less than an hour.

I ken hoo to manage her. 'But wadna 't be better 'at she didna ken? 'She's sure to fin' oot whan she mak's the bed. 'De'il a bit o' her s' be a hair wiser! Ye dinna play tunes upo' the boxie, man. Robert caught at the idea.

"You know me, don't you, Boxie?" said Corny as he recognized the old salt, who was the sheet-anchorsman of the crew, and who was generally their spokesman. "You will hold no conversation with the prisoner, Boxie; but you may let them talk among themselves, and note what they say if it is of any importance. You will be relieved with the first watch."

"I have not the remotest idea of doing anything of the sort. Your sword, if you please." "This sword was presented to me by the citizens of my town " "Here, Boxie and Lanon, relieve this gentleman of his sword," added Christy, as he saw the young lady coming up the companion way.

The captain sent the steward for Boxie, and, giving him a pair of pistols and a cutlass, informed him that he was to stand guard over the five prisoners until he was relieved. The old man, who had been one of the seamen on board of the Bellevite when she was a yacht, took his place forward of the berth-sacks, and began his march athwartship.

The two officers were then dismissed and ordered on board of their ship. A little later the draft of seamen was sent on board, and among them Christy was not sorry to see Boxie, the old sheet-anchor man of the Bellevite, who had made him a sort of pet, and had done a great deal to instruct him in matters of seamanship, naval customs, and traditions not found in any books.

Passford, but the ship is swinging around, and you will not be able to use that gun as it points now," said Boxie, touching his hat to the young commander. "Stand by your engine, Paul; we will get under way at once. Boxie, cast off the cable, and let it run out.

Boxie was stationed at the lock-string, and held it in his hand, ready to speed the great shot on its errand of destruction; but he hoped the midshipman would depress the muzzle of the gun before he was called upon to pull the string.

He was not inclined to act on his own judgment and skill alone, and he called Boxie, the old sheet-anchorman, who had been the captain of a gun years before the midshipman was born, and pointed out the tree to him, asking him to sight along the gun. He explained his plan to the old salt, and then asked his opinion. "You have aimed it too high, Mr.