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I must tell you, sir," shuddered Freckles. "I cannot be bearing it the day out alone. I was coming to you when I remimbered you would be here." He lifted his face and gazed across the swale, with his jaws set firmly a minute, as if gathering his forces. Then he spoke. "It's the Angel, sir," he said. Instinctively McLean's grip on him tightened, and Freckles looked into the Boss's face in wonder.

It was Jose's, and Jose was a notorious scoundrel whom old age alone kept from the active pursuit of the only calling he ever had known brigandage. Why should the boss's daughter come to Jose? Jose was hand in glove with every cutthroat in Chihuahua, or at least within a radius of two hundred miles of his abode. Barbara swung herself from the saddle, and handed her bridle reins to Eddie.

The two big men shook hands, and as he made his way to the bunk-house, Stromberg wondered at the peculiar smile on the boss's lips as he said: "There are a hell of a lot of good men wasted because of a bad start. So-long." The weeks slipped rapidly by. The weather settled, keen and cold, with the crew keyed to the highest pitch of efficiency.

For this service the girl would get 10 cents a week from each of the women she did errands for. They did not the boss starcher explained to me with quiet elegance think of such a thing as drinking beer behind the boss's back, but they 'just didn't want him to know.

'I guess he hasn't looked through the Boss's letters, and I'm just going to see that there's nothing here that will make liars of us. He looked through the letters and papers by the light of the fire. There were some letters from Mrs Baker to her husband, also a portrait of her and the children; these Andy put aside.

"It's the boss's rule," he said, "to collect before the last things is taken out of the van." I understood now why the pieces of value had gone in first. I also understood what the "boss" had meant in saying that we would have to get up early to get ahead of him.

Kay followed breathlessly, but he reached the patio before her, scuttled along the porch with surprising speed, and darted into the room. Immediately the girl heard his voice raised angrily. "Hullo! What you been do in my boss's room? Madre de Dios! You theenk I let one Chinaman no, one Jap sleep in the bed of Don Victoriano Noriaga. No! Vamos!"

About midnight I awoke, and saw that hag making curious passes in the air about The Boss's head and face, and wondered what it meant. Everybody but the dynamo-watch lay steeped in sleep; there was no sound. The woman ceased from her mysterious foolery, and started tip-toeing toward the door. I called out: "Stop! What have you been doing?"

"You said something yesterday morning about me feeling for the boss's throat along with that gang up-town that's trying to drink itself up to the point of hitting him back. It don't strike me that way, Mac." "How does it strike you?" Judson turned slowly, crossed the room, and sat down in the only vacant chair. "You know what's due to happen, Mac.

"The priest of course thought that he was in the way, and he left. "When we were alone, Don Calixto said: "'All right, Caesar, I am happy to see you. I see that you remember our conversation in Rome. You must have lunch with me and my family. "'With great pleasure. "'I'll go and tell them to put on another place. "Don Calixto went out and left me alone. For a while I studied the boss's office.