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Gradually he will attain efficiency, and work permanently, without oversight, with a consistent earnestness no boss's whip ever attained, The experience of the National Cash Register Company at Dayton, Ohio, proves this. The experiments of Henry Ford are a step toward the same solution.

"You're on guard!" she exclaimed. "I reckon. There's four of us boys round the house. You're not goin' off thet step, Miss Lenore." "Oh, ah-huh!" replied Lenore, imitating her father, and bantering Jake, more for the fun of it than from any intention of disobeying him. "Who's going to keep me from it?" "I am. Boss's orders, Miss Lenore. I'm dog-gone sorry.

"'I hear talk in the kitchen of a fishball, says I. "'Bully for you, Eighteen, says he. 'You and I'll get on. Show me the boss's desk. "Well, the boss tries the Harveyized pajamas on him, and they fitted him like the scales on a baked redsnapper, and he gets the job.

"Boss's orders." But the assembled game-owners were not to be balked. In a few minutes they arranged a pool, each putting in a thousand, and took over the table. "Come on and buck us," Harvey Moran challenged, as the keeper sent the ball on its first whirl around. "Give me the twenty-five limit," Smoke suggested. "Sure; go to it."

"No more hurry for us to-night, Hector," was the boss's dictum, when the obstructing string of empties was safely passed. "We take it slow and sure from this on, with your fireman to flag us around the curves and through the cuts. This was only the first section of the train that left Horse Creek at eight o'clock the section that was broken down at Siding Twelve.

"And original," he remarked, placing upon the latter word the same peculiar emphasis that Hollis had given it a moment before. Hollis grinned widely; he began to detect a subtle meaning in the range boss's speech and actions. But he did not answer; it would not strain his patience to await until such a time as Norton made his meaning clear.

Its bell tinkled incessantly, and with infinite patience the leader interrupted his work again and again to answer it, seeming from Shelby's vantage point to murmur secret messages into the petals of the flowers. The dismembered half of a telephone conversation is not ordinarily illuminating, and the Boss's words in themselves said little.

One day it did crash: the head-lines of the morning papers shouted the catastrophe at me: "The Monster forced to disgorge Warrant out against Vard Bardwell the Boss's Boomerang" you know the kind of thing. When I had read the papers I threw them down and went out. As it happened, Vard was to have given me a sitting that morning; but there would have been a certain irony in waiting for him.

I wondered what kind of a girl the "boss's" daughter could be, to marry such an ass as this, and I would have been glad to see the photograph of her that he passed to his friends, but I made up my mind that the "boss" was getting a rare prize in a son-in-law.

Bill Carmody met Moncrossen's first rush with a quick, short jab that reached the corner of his eye. With an almost imperceptible movement he leaned to one side, and the flail-like swing of the huge boss's arm passed harmlessly within an inch of his ear. Moncrossen lost no time.