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Fionn may have borrowed his hammer from Thor long ago, or both may have got theirs from Vulcan, or all three may have brought hammers with them from the land where some primeval smith wielded the first sledge-hammer; but may not all these 'smith-gods be the smiths who made iron weapons for those who fought with the skin-clad warriors who shot flint-arrows, and who are now bogles, fairies, and demons?

"Well," said I, "there can be no bogles here, Neil; for it's not likely they would fash themselves to frighten solan geese." "Ay?" says Andie, "is that what ye think of it? But I'll can tell ye there's been waur nor bogles here." "What's waur than bogles, Andie?" said I. "Warlocks," said he. "Or a warlock at the least of it. And that's a queer tale, too," he added.

"Oh, man," said he, eyeing me with a somewhat wry smile, "I'm juist thinkin' ye're no' afeared o' bogles, whateffer!" "Who are you?" said I, in no very gentle tone. "Donal's my name, sir, an' if ye had an e'e for the tartan, ye'd ken I was a Stuart." "And what do you want here, Donald Stuart?"

I was just a bairn, an' clum in Sandie's boat, whaur I thoucht I would see the best of the employ. My grandsire gied Sandie a siller tester to pit in his gun wi' the leid draps, bein mair deidly again bogles. And then the as boat set aff for North Berwick, an' the tither lay whaur it was and watched the wanchancy thing on the brae-side.

Ye'll no catch ane o' the servants gauging up that stair, puir frightened heathens that they are, for fear of bogles and brownies, and lang-nebbit things frae the neist warld. But Father Vaughan thinks himself a privileged person set him up and lay him down!

Now just look in the next yard it is just the same size as the other, but poor mother earth lies buried under great flat paving stones; while strewed over them are old bits of china, and carpeting, and old keg covers, and old barrels with the hoops dropping off, and an old tail-less rocking-horse, and a child's chair, trying in vain to stand on three legs, and a Buffalo skin that is sadly in need of some of "Bogles Hyperian."

He couldnae weel tell how maybe it was the cauld to his feet but it cam' in upon him wi' a spate that there was some connection between thir twa, an' that either or baith o' them were bogles.

He lay an' he tummled; the gude, caller bed that he got into brunt his very banes; whiles he slept, and whiles he waukened; whiles he heard the time o' nicht, and whiles a tyke yowlin' up the muir, as if somebody was deid; whiles he thocht he heard bogles claverin' in his lug, an' whiles he saw spunkies in the room.

I canna bide him; his een's never off me the hail day, an' mony a time I dinna ken whar to look." "Hoot, lassie," rejoined her mother; "ye aye mak bogles o' windlestraes. Duncan is an honest lad, I'll warrant him, an' willin to work, too, though he's no very guid o't.

'Why, my little fellow, he said, 'this is a ruin, not a house? 'Ah, but the lairds lived there langsyne; that's Ellangowan Auld Place. There's a hantle bogles about it; but ye needna be feared, I never saw ony mysell, and we're just at the door o' the New Place.