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We have from Greece and Rome but few literary examples of 'Psychical Research, few collections of books on 'Bogles' as Scott called them. We possess Palaephatus, the life of Apollonius of Tyana, jests in Lucian, argument and exposition from Pliny, Porphyry, Iamblichus, Plutarch, hints from Plato, Plautus, Lucretius, from St. Augustine and other fathers.

So he could see where he was, and where the path was, and how he could get out of the marsh. And he was in such haste to get away from the Quicks, and Bogles, and Things that dwelt there, that he scarce looked at the brave light that came from the beautiful shining yellow hair, streaming out over the black cloak and falling to the water at his feet.

I had not, however, the choice betwixt them; for I was left alone in the room of all others most calculated to inspire me with melancholy reflections. As twilight was darkening the apartment, Andrew had the sagacity to advance his head at the door, not to ask if I wished for lights, but to recommend them as a measure of precaution against the bogles which still haunted his imagination.

Wodrow did not find a single supernatural occurrence which was worth investigating by the curious. Every tale was old, or some simple natural cause was at the bottom of the mystery, or the narrative rested on vague gossip, or was a myth. Today, at any dinner party, you may hear of bogles and wraiths at first or at second hand, in an abundance which would have rejoiced Wodrow.

"Fault-finders should be free of flaws," Thomasina would say with a prim chin. She had seen the farm-bailiff himself "the worse" for more than his supper beer. But there was one history which Thomasina was always loth to relate, and it was that which both John Broom and the cowherd especially preferred the history of the Lob Lie-by-the-fire. One's neighbours' ghosts and bogles are another matter.

He was mortally afraid of bogles, and would not have crossed the kirkyard after the glimmer of midnight without seeing a dozen corpse- candles; but tramps were quite another matter, for Ebie was not in the least afraid of mortal man except only of Allan Welsh, the Marrow minister.

She had little enough to lose in the way of money or valuables, and it was "bogles," more than the fear of footpads that disturbed her mind as she stumped along that muddy road in the gathering gloom.

"And maybe all this while I am but a child frighted with bogles," said I. "Maybe they but make a mock of me." "It is what I must know," she said. "I must hear the whole. The harm is done at all events, and I must hear the whole."

He has a story of a bogle in this road a horse-bogle, too that makes one creep." "Oh! I know that story," said Helbeck. "It used to be told of several roads about here. Old Wilson once said to me, 'When Aa wor yoong, ivery field an ivery lane wor fu o' bogles! It is strange how the old tales have died out, while a brand new one, like our own ghost story, has grown up." Laura murmured a "Yes."

"But eh, sir!" he went on, with the same imbecile yet insinuating smile, "if ye'll reflect that I am no used to my feet. With a horse atween my legs, or the reins in my hand, I'm maybe nae worse than other men; but on fit, Cornel It's no the bogles but I've been cavalry, ye see," with a little hoarse laugh, "a' my life. To face a thing ye dinna understan' on your feet, Cornel."