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"As soon as I came to the blond-haired young lady reading in the park, I shut it up, and determined to read no further. I foresaw that that light-complexioned girl would win away all the love from Corinne and make her miserable. I'm determined to read no more books where the blond-haired women carry away all the happiness. I should begin to have a prejudice against them.

The perspiring Swedish proprietress and a blond-haired daughter or two would be handling the warm loaves, the flat, floury pies, and the brown cookies as fast as hands could move; the cash register behind the counter rang and rang, the air was hot, the windows obscured with steam. Men were among the customers, but the Weber girls had no time to flirt now.

Get this ship to Venusport in the shortest possible time without burning out the pump bearings. And, Manning !" "Yes, sir," replied the blond-haired cadet. "If I so much as hear one wisecrack between you and that overgrown rocket jockey, Astro, I'll log both of you twenty-five demerits!" "I understand, sir," acknowledged Roger lazily.

As he was about to buzz for the next applicant, the door burst open and Roger came into the room. The blond-haired cadet's lips were pulled tight in a grim line. "There's something rocket-blasting screwy around here, Tom!" he exclaimed. "What do you mean?" asked Tom. "I just rejected a real low-down space crawler a guy named Tad Winters." "Yes?" Tom was alert, anticipating Roger's answer.

In contrast, the German was invariably portrayed as a solid, blond-haired peasant, hard-working, loyal, and exploited. The drama in such literature sprang from the tension between the wealthy Jewish merchants and the hard-working but poor German peasants. Here could be found the same kind of exploitation which Hitler used to explain the German defeat in the war.

Heard noticed a slender young Indian and a blond-haired fellow probably a Scandinavian. They were arguing about cigars with a rosy-cheeked old reprobate whom they called Charlie. An adjoining apartment, the card-room, contained a livelier party, among whom the bishop recognized Mr. Muhlen. He had lost no time in making himself popular. He must have found congenial spirits here.

The texture of the dress and the artfully depicted glass are the delight of amateurs. As a composition it is not remarkable. The man is much too young to be the father of the blond-haired lady, and if the other one is her mother, both parents must have retained their youth.

In the mature face, Isabelle was seeking the blond-haired girl, with deep-set blue eyes, and sensitive mouth, that she had admired at St. Mary's. Now it was not even pretty, although it spoke of race, for the bony features, the high brow, the thin nose, had emerged, as if chiselled from the flesh by pain. 'She has suffered, Isabelle thought, 'suffered and lived.

Then, grinning mischievously, she added, "But don't let that stop you." "I wouldn't let a tyranno stop me," bragged the blond-haired cadet. "Tell me who your previous engagement is with and I'll get rid of him in nothing flat!" The girl giggled and looked past Roger. He turned to see a tall, solidly built man in coveralls scowling at him. "Friend of yours, Agnes?" the newcomer asked.

Already, however, a few pretty houses, with green lawns in front, peeped out from the bushes of lilac and clematis. Before the green railings of one of these a gentleman played hoop with a very young, blond-haired child. His age belonged in that uncertain area which may range from twenty-five to forty.