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Elbridge stopped a minute to think, after Abel had finished. "Who's took care o' them things that was on the hoss?" he said, gravely. "Waal, Langden, he seemed to kin 'o' think I'd ought to have 'em, 'n' the Squire; he did n' seem to have no 'bjection; 'n' so, waal, I calc'late I sh'll jes' holt on to 'em myself; they a'n't good f 'r much, but they're cur'ous t' keep t' look at." Mr.

"But I s'pose you hain't any 'bjection to my giving the laugh to Bill?" he said, with ludicrous dismay; "there ain't nothing wrong in that, is there?" "Nothing at all," replied the pleased Fred; "we shall enjoy it as much as you." "Which the same being the case, it's time you went to sleep; I'll keep watch and call you when I git ready."

Means, spitting in a meditative sort of a way, "you see, we a'n't none of your saft sort in these diggings. It takes a man to boss this deestrick. Howsumdever, ef you think you kin trust your hide in Flat Crick school-house I ha'n't got no 'bjection. But ef you git licked, don't come on us. Flat Crick don't pay no 'nsurance, you bet! Any other trustees? Wal, yes.

Elbridge stopped a minute to think, after Abel had finished. "Who's took care o' them things that was on the hoss?" he said, gravely. "Waäl, Langden, he seemed to kin' o' think I'd ought to have 'em, 'n' the Squire, he didn' seem to have no 'bjection; 'n' so, waäl, I cal'late I sh'll jes' holt on to 'em myself; they a'n't good f'r much, but they're cur'ous t' keep t' look at." Mr.

Elbridge stopped a minute to think, after Abel had finished. "Who's took care o' them things that was on the hoss?" he said, gravely. "Waal, Langden, he seemed to kin 'o' think I'd ought to have 'em, 'n' the Squire; he did n' seem to have no 'bjection; 'n' so, waal, I calc'late I sh'll jes' holt on to 'em myself; they a'n't good f 'r much, but they're cur'ous t' keep t' look at." Mr.

The Court hain't any 'bjection to your thinking all the cuss words you want to, but you mus'n't speak 'em when she's about. You understand the position of the Court?" "I'd be a fool if I didn't," growled the accused. "It's onnecessary to understand 'em in order to be a fool, Mr. Bidwell, but how 'bout your second offence, when you used the word 'thunder, and addressed it to the gal herself?"

Glad to be out of the society of the officer, Mrs. Sandford started to go upstairs, but was recalled by the voice. "I say, Ma'am! A long night afore a chap, all by himself." Mrs. Sandford trembled with mingled terror and rage. "No 'bjection to light the gaas, I 'spose, so's't a feller can read a paper?

I've got the key, and that's all right, too. But when you talk of makin' a watch-pocket for nothin', I tell ye a saint couldn't stand that." Frank, who thought he had learned to know pretty well the man's oddities, was puzzled this time. "I didn't mean to offend you, Tucket." "No, you didn't. And now see here, Manly. We'll jest compromise this matter, ef you've no 'bjection.

Hank looked at the unconscious figure of Jack Dudley. "Wonder how it was with him?" "He did not fire his gun at anything." Fred did not wish to tell his friend about that alarming visit earlier in the evening. That was Jack's concern. "But he may have seed something. Howsumever, we can wait till morning. Wal, younker, if you've no 'bjection you can lay down and snooze till morning.

The flood-gates were rent; and healing sobs and tears shook the frail form, as a faded lily shakes under the soft rains of summer. All in the room wept together. "Now, honey," said Candace, after a pause of some minutes, "I knows our Doctor's a mighty good man, an' larned, an' in fair weather I ha'n't no 'bjection to yer hearin' all about dese yer great an' mighty tings he's got to say.