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He had walked aft, and the three discussed the mystery. "Ever see her before, captain?" asked Code. If there was any man who knew schooners that had fished the Banks or the Bay of Fundy, it was Bijonah Tanner. "Don't cal'late I ever did. I've never saw jest that set to a foregaff nor jest that cut of a jumbo-jib afore." Tanner watched the schooner as she scudded away.

He said thar' wa'n't no other way to get rid on 'em, but to appeal to their moral natur', and he said when he'd got 'em eddicated up to the highest p'int o' morality, he was a goin' to send 'em out as missionaries ter convart the rest. Bachelder said he'd got 'em fur enough along, now, so't they'd pass examination along o' average folks that wa'n't admitted church members " "Bijonah Keeler!"

"I wonder if Nat really loves her?" he asked himself. "And if not, why did he become engaged?" The home-coming of Captain Bijonah Tanner and his wife did not provide the thrill looked for by the more morbid inhabitants of Freekirk Head. In the excitement of the fire all hands had forgotten that cable communication between Mignon and the mainland was unbroken.

A prolonged whistle from outside interrupted the discussion, and one man going to the door announced that it had stopped raining. All hands got up and prepared to go back to work. Only Bijonah Tanner remained to buy some groceries from Boughton. "Steamer's early to-day," said the storekeeper, glancing at his watch. "She's bringin' me a lot of salt from St.

Bijonah scratched his head and looked at the girl helplessly. He had yet to score his first victory over her in an argument. "Have you asked your mother?" he queried at last, seeking his time-worn refuge. "Yes," said she, brightening at the imminence of victory, "and she says she thinks it will be just the thing." "All right," said Bijonah weakly; "come along then.

At which there broke forth the most extravagant sounds of jubilation and all hands tumbled up to help bend it on. The crew of the Lass did not know it, but Bijonah Tanner and the Rosan had actually been gone twelve hours, having stolen away from the fleet before dressing down the night before when darkness had fallen.

Inside the house, Code could hear the sound of people moving about and the voice of a woman singing low, as though to a child. He told himself without question that this was Nellie getting the kiddies to sleep. "A feller hears queer things over in St. John's sometimes," announced Bijonah suddenly, sucking at his pipe. "Yes." "An' this time I heard somethin' about you." "Me?

I say guardian, and yet I don't know whether she is friendly or merely fixing up some calamity to break all at once. You know I have enemies. She may be working for them." The girl could offer no solution, nor could Bijonah Tanner, who had witnessed the incident from the forecastle head where he was smoking and anticipating the wishes of the cod beneath him.

"Thar, pa!" said Grandma, solemnly, "you'd better go to sleep! you'd better close your eyes, Bijonah Keeler! What if you should never open 'em again on earthly scenes, and them words on your lips, and you a perfessor!"

The flame was coming, however, from the house next but one Bijonah Tanner's place. A crowd was gathering in the yard that was overgrown with dusty wire-grass, and the squire was pushing his way through to take charge. Code knew that only two days before Captain Bijonah and his wife had sailed in the Rosan to St. John's for lumber, leaving Nellie alone in charge of the three small Tanners.