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The passengers, to reach the King's Road, were obliged to go past the corner of the general store, and Bijonah stood on the low, wooden veranda, watching them. Some two dozen had gone when his eye was attracted by a pale, thin youth in a light-gray suit and Panama hat.

Bijonah Tanner had tried his best to shake Martin, but the hard-fisted old skipper, knowing and recognizing Tanner's "nose" for fish, had clung like a leech and profited by the other's sagacity. Nor was this all the Grande Mignon fleet.

It was something to find a friend so stanch and loyal that suspicion had never even found soil in his mind where it might take root. Two such he had now: Elsa Mallaby and Bijonah Tanner. "What else did those men say?" he asked in conclusion.

"Bijonah Keeler," said she, in accents of real affection, "I wouldn't have you out in that wind for no money not for no money, nor our teacher, neither. Why, no stronger than she is now, it 'ud take the breath right out of our teacher's body!

Why not?" demanded Ellinwood, turning upon the other belligerently. "Wal," replied the other, "they do say there's men in this village, and farther south, too, that wouldn't sail with Code, not fer a thousand dollars and all f'und." "Them that says it are fools," declared Ellinwood. "An' liars!" cut in Bijonah Tanner hotly. "Why won't they sail with the lad?

She's a snug, trustin' kind of critter, an' she's man's best friend because she hain't got a grain o' sense. But woman!" Here Bijonah always ended, his hands, his voice, and his sentence suspended in mid air. Now he was baffled completely. Here was a girl who was deeply in love, crying.

"I've got somethin' to tell ye that ought to int'rest ye consid'able." "Yes, I'll be there about eight," was the reply as Schofield joined in loading the truck. He found the captain that night smoking a pipe on the low front porch of the Widow Sprague's cottage, evidently very much at home. Bijonah motioned him to a chair and proffered a cigar with a slightly self-conscious air.

I don't know three people in St. John's." "Guess I met one of the three, then." "Where? How? Who was it?" Bijonah Tanner coughed and shifted uneasily in his chair. "Wal," he said, "I was takin' a little turn along the water-front, just a leetle turn, as the wife will tell you, when I dropped into a er that is a rum-shop and heard three men at the table next to mine talking about you."