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Updated: August 22, 2024

In de ole days dey wer' bettuh dan dey ez terday. De white and black ougher not ma'rie." "I has voted two times, but I disremembers who I voted fer. Neber hadney frens in office en I nebr met any of de Klu Klux men. I didn' go out much en I neber wuz kotched w'en I did git out. I heered lots 'bout nigger uprisin' but dey wuz away off."

Den I war plumb beat when I saw Mister Holton stalkin' up dat platfohm like he owned it an' de railroad an' de hills, and de hull yearth. But he's bettuh heah dan down at home, Marse Frank. He don't belong down in de bluegrass." "I'm afraid you are impertinent, Neb. Don't meddle. You always have been prejudiced against Barbara and her father." The old negro answered quickly, bitterly.

He walked up to the lazy, grunting savage." "'Look a-yeah, yo' spraddle-nosed, yalluh voodoo nigguh, said the black sergeant he was as black as a stovepipe to the blinking chief, 'jes' shake yo' no-count bones an' tote dat wattuh yo'se'f. Yo' ain' no bettuh to pack wattuh dan Ah am, yo' heah me."

"'Wen yo' see a pig agoin' along Widder straw en de sider 'is mouf, It'll be a tuhble winter, En yo' bettuh move down Souf." He jumped up and dashed into a breakdown, clattering the bones, and screeching: "'Squirl he got a bushy tail, Possum's tail am bah, Raccoon's tail am ringed all roun' Touch him ef yo dah! Rabbit got no tail at all, Cep a little bit o' bunch o' hah."

Whar would we 'a' be'n ef her folks at de No'th hadn' 'membered us no bettuh? An' we hadn' done nothin', neither, fer dem to 'member us fer. De man dat kin fergit w'at Miss Noble has done fer dis town is unworthy de name er nigger! He oughter die an' make room fer some 'spectable dog! "Br'er Glaspy says we got a' educated young man, an' we mus' gib him sump'n' ter do.

On rainy days we wuz gib a certain 'mount ob weavin' ter do en had ter git hit don'. I dunno how ter read er rite. De white folks didn' 'low us ter l'arn nuthin'. I declar' you bettuh not git kotch wid a papah in you han'. Ef I had half a chance lak you chilluns hab, I'd go ter bed wid mah books." "Our Marster 'lowed us ter go ter chuch.

Certainly the question one of them put to Lucy, in response to investigations of hers, seemed to point that way: "Don't you think," he said, "really, don't you think that being things is rather better than doing things?" He said "rahthuh bettuh" for "rather better," and seemed to do it deliberately, with perfect knowledge of what he was doing.

In her hand was a lath, and, even as Herman turned, it was again wielded, this time upon Verman. "Yes; you bettuh holler, 'Mammy!" she panted. "My goo'ness, if yo' pappy don' lam you to-night! Ain' you got no mo' sense 'an to let white boys 'suede you play you Affikin heathums? Whah you britches?" "Yonnuh Verman's," quavered Herman. "Whah y'own?"

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