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" 20 Indianola, Ia " 4 *Fairmount, Minn. " 21 Corydon, Ia " 5 Lake Crystal, Minn. " 22 Essex, Ia. " 6 Redwood Falls, " 23 Sidney, Ia. Minn. " 24 Falls City, Nebr. " 7 Willmer, Minn. " 25 *Hiawatha, Kan. " 8 Dawson, Minn. " 26 Frankfort, Kan. " 9 Redfield, S. D. " 27 Greenleaf, Kan. " 10 Huron, S. D. " 28 Osborne, Kan. July 29 Stockton, Kan. Aug. 14 Honesdale, Pa. " 30 Phillipsburg, Kan.

The route of the main line of the road has been definitely located for 100 miles westward from the initial point at Omaha City, Nebr., and a preliminary location of the Pacific Railroad of California has been made from Sacramento eastward to the great bend of the Truckee River in Nevada.

The route of the main line of the road has been definitely located for 100 miles westward from the initial point at Omaha City, Nebr., and a preliminary location of the Pacific Railroad of California has been made from Sacramento eastward to the great bend of the Truckee River in Nevada.

In de ole days dey wer' bettuh dan dey ez terday. De white and black ougher not ma'rie." "I has voted two times, but I disremembers who I voted fer. Neber hadney frens in office en I nebr met any of de Klu Klux men. I didn' go out much en I neber wuz kotched w'en I did git out. I heered lots 'bout nigger uprisin' but dey wuz away off."