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He bethought himself, that all he could now do, was to visit the sentries, and ascertain that they were awake, alert, on the watch, and so situated, that in time of need they might be ready to support each other. "This better befits me," he thought, "than to be here like a child, frightening myself with the old woman's legend, which I have laughed at when a boy.

"Rest easy, dear dame. Thou 'rt all in the right, and it behooves us to protect our lords from their own rash courage, just as it befits their courage to protect us against salvages and wild beasts.

Thus I spoke while perfect innocence, mother of invention, lent wings to my words, and while thinking all the time: You little vermin, what are you doing here, in that chair, when you should be delving the earth or breaking stones, as befits your kind? I tried to picture myself climbing up Muretta with a theodolite bulging out of my pocket. A flagon of port would have been more in my line.

His dress is of velvet, a dark purple, broadly embroidered; and his sword-hilt and the lion's head of his cane display specimens of the gold from the Spanish wreck. On his head, in the fashion of the court of Louis XIV., is a superb full-bottomed periwig, amid whose heap of ringlets his face shows like a rough pebble in the setting that befits a diamond.

That is the place I came from, he said, 'and it's where it befits that my boy should return. He is a steady lad, your father said, 'and a canny goer; and I doubt not he will come safe, and be well lived where he goes." "The house of Shaws!" I cried. "What had my poor father to do with the house of Shaws?" "Nay," said Mr. Campbell, "who can tell that for a surety?

Thou wilt come with an escort, as befits a prince's wife! But how should I know that the Rangars would prove friends of mine? How should I know that it is not all a trap?" "You will have my promise to depend on." "Truly! And there will be how many hundred men to override the promise of one woman? Nay! My word is good; my promise holds; but on my own conditions! Help me to escape.

Slowly we rose, and stood silent, not knowing what to say. "I greet you, Wanderers," the voice repeated. "Tell me thou" and the sceptre pointed towards Leo "how art thou named?" "I am named Leo Vincey," he answered. "Leo Vincey! I like the name, which to me well befits a man so goodly. And thou, the companion of Leo Vincey?" "I am named Horace Holly." "So.

"We live so happily, my fair ones, in our forest glades," said Ak, stroking his grizzled beard thoughtfully, "that we know nothing of the sorrow and misery that fall to the lot of those poor mortals who inhabit the open spaces of the earth. They are not of our race, it is true, yet compassion well befits beings so fairly favored as ourselves.

Nevertheless as I drove from the station in the evening I wondered what I should think of it at this first glimpse hadn't I already known it. All manner of evil perhaps. Paris, as I passed along the Boulevards three evenings before to take the train, was swarming and glittering as befits a great capital.

Ye maun gae post-chaise to London, as befits yere station." And scouting my expostulations, he commanded the longboat, bidding me be ready to go ashore with him. I had nothing to do but to say farewell to MacMuir and Lowrie and Auctherlonnie, which was hard enough.