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"Jean, put it away it fears me, Jean!" "Het," said Jean, uneasily, "hae ye coowed you savage, to be scared at the wee beastie?" Christie, looking askant at the animal, explained: "A moose is an awesome beast it's no like a mon!" and still her eye was fixed by fascination upon the four-footed danger.

'It's a rael bonny nicht! said Kirsty, 'and we'll jist tak oor time to turn the thing ower that is, gien ye bena tired, Francie. Come, we'll put the beastie up first. She led the horse into the dark stable, took his bridle off, put a halter on him, slackened his girths, and gave him a feed of corn all in the dark; which things done, she and her lover set out for the Horn.

As I appeared, this bugaboo, who had caused all the excitement, recognized me as a friend and ran toward me, crying piteously. It was a very small lost kitten! I took up the stray little beastie, and a silence fell upon the assembly in the trees, which began to scatter, each one departing upon his own business in a moment.

They were headed for the place, but when they were about to land, they had been alarmed by the appearance of what at first was supposed to be some wild beast. "He crawled on all fours, Missie," said Slim Jim, addressing Cora with such earnestness that she could not repress a shiver. "He crawled on all fours like some bloomin' beastie, begging your pardon, Missie.

For several minutes John Silence watched the performance of the cat with profound attention and without interfering. Then he called to the animal by name. "Smoke, you mysterious beastie, what in the world are you about?" he said, in a coaxing tone. The cat looked up at him for a moment, smiling in its ecstasy, blinking its eyes, but too happy to pause. He spoke to it again.

The trained flea is one of nature's marvels. Everyone says so. A Bobby Burns might well write a poem on this "wee, timorous, cowerin' beastie," except that the flea is not, strictly speaking, timorous or cowering. A flea, when it is in good health and spirits, will not cower worth a cent.

'At any cost he must not do that, thought Hollyhock. 'You must not disgrace me, my bonnie beastie, she whispered into his sensitive ear; and certainly the Arab looked as if he had no intention of disgracing the girl he loved.

She saw his gallant head looking down at her, and she managed to call out to him, 'Go home, my bonnie Lightning Speed; go home, and get some one to bring ropes for poor Hollyhock. Oh, but you are a brave and noble beastie! The horse was puzzled whether to obey or not. Home to him was not the Palace of the Kings, but his own comfortable loose-box at The Garden.

"And you say there was no sign from the tiger, but that Hantee Sahib knew when the instant was past?" the famous marksman repeated curiously. Carlin nodded. "But how did he know?" "Ask him," she said. "Huh," he muttered. "I might as well enquire of the Dane beastie." Fever Birds Carlin had been listless for a day or two. This was several weeks after her forty-two hours on Mitha Baba.

And Gluck stopped and looked at it, and then at the Golden River, not five hundred yards above him; and he thought of the dwarf's words, "that no one could succeed, except in his first attempt;" and he tried to pass the dog, but it whined piteously, and Gluck stopped again. "Poor beastie," said Gluck, "it'll be dead when I come down again, if I don't help it."