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When John, the serving-man, paid his usual visit to the study before he went to bed, the doctor did not hear him enter the room. He was holding converse with Skye, who was seated on a chair, looking very wise and deeply interested. 'Ye're a bonnie beastie, Skye, exclaimed the doctor, 'for a' thing He made is verra gude.

Hardly a piece of his, large or small, but has "snap" and raciness. "Wee, sleekit, cowrin, tim'rous beastie:"

Now, if you or I had taken our meals after the fashion of that "wee, timorous beastie," we should probably have departed this life from indigestion or nervous prostration inside a month.

In a fury a blind fury Leucha rushed to her bed, tore aside the eider-down, and tried to catch the wicked cat in order to fling her out of the window; but Hollyhock stood in the room. 'Don't, she said. 'Poor beastie! I put her there for fun for a bit of a lark. I'll take her now. Don't you touch my cat, or I 'll be at you.

'Nay, nay', said the old wife when she went out again, 'you don't mean to say you've got a horse too; just turn the poor beastie loose in our "toun", and don't let him stand there and starve to death at the door.

How galling, then, for a true shootist to be misunderstood, decried, denounced, and arrested for so insignificant a beastie as a rabbit! This indignity my very dear friend, Herr Wilhelm Fuedels-Shimmer, had suffered a most estimable young man careless, perhaps, in his interpretation of the law, but who would not be that is, what sportsman would not be?

Then the beastie remains stationary, although continuing to climb. Presently, the weight becomes too much for the shorter and shorter float; and the Spider slips down, in spite of her persistent, forward striving. She is at last brought back to the branch by the falling threads.

"Fine for them," said Tam sarcastically, "they've nawthin' to do but be oot or in A've no patience wi' the stars puir silly bodies winkin' an' blinkin' an' doin' nae guid to mon or beastie chuck me ma breeches an' let the warm watter rin in the bath." In the gray light of dawn the reliefs stood on the ground, waiting for the word "go."

'Chattie, you fiend, come here! cried Rose, holding out a hand to her; 'if Miss Barks were ever pretty she must have looked like you at this moment. 'I won't have Chattie put upon, said Agnes, establishing herself at the other side of the little tea-table; 'she has done you no harm. Come to me, beastie. I won't compare you to disagreeable old maids.

There at the bottom, in a foot or so of water, they espied a lamb; and they rescued the poor beastie by going down to it, one or both. It must have been the mountain-footed one. A man would hesitate, spying below. Fleetwood wondered how she had managed to climb up, and carrying the lamb! Down pitches Madge Winch to help they did it between them. We who stand aloof admire stupidly.