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Then why was it not superstition in Professor So-and-so, who found the bones and reconstructed the beastie for holiday crowds to gaze upon at the Crystal Palace or the Metropolitan Museum? Knowledge does die away into reminiscence, and then into oblivion; and the chances are that Liehtse's time retained reminiscences which have since become oblivion-hidden; then rediscovered in the West.

'Chattie, you fiend, come here! cried Rose, holding out a hand to her; 'if Miss Barks were ever pretty she must have looked like you at this moment. 'I won't have Chattie put upon, said Agnes, establishing herself at the other side of the little tea-table; 'she has done you no harm. Come to me, beastie. I won't compare you to disagreeable old maids.

The farmer scanned her with more than a merely suspicious eye, so that the lookers-on grew anxious, and the sub-officer with him, and who thought of his own plate of beef, hastened to say: "Well, you don't see anything here anywheres like your beastie, do you, old father?" "I dunno. Thar suttinly is one cow the pictur' of mine but my Lilywhite was a stump had a stub-tail, you know!"

"There you go!" said the Hermit good-humouredly, "scaring my poor beastie out of his wits." "Couldn't help it," mumbled Wally. "No, a sneeze will out, like truth, won't it?" the Hermit laughed. "That's how Miss Norah announced herself to me to-day. I might never have known she was there if she hadn't obligingly sneezed!

"Man!" he greeted, "ye're looking hipped." Then, alluding to a heifer of Timmins's which had bloated on marsh-grass the day before, he added, "The beastie didna die?" Assured that it was only a wife that Timmins lacked, he sighed relief. "Ah, weel, that's no so bad; they come cheaper. But tell us o't"

"Yon puir beastie kens mair, ay, an' sees mair nor you nor me!" was the comment of one of the leading harpooners, and the others nodded their acquiescence. It is vain to attempt to argue against such puerile superstition. They have made up their minds that there is a curse upon the ship, and nothing will ever persuade them to the contrary.

Ask Monsoon or O'Malley there if I did not say so at breakfast, when you were grilling the old hen, which, by-the-bye, let me remark, was not one of your chefs-d'oeuvre." "A tougher beastie I never put a tooth in." "But the story, the story," said I. "Yes," said Power, with a tone of command, "the story, Sparks."

Then there is a general hubbub, servants rush together with the longest sticks they can find, the children are hurried away to a place of safety, the master appears on the scene, armed with his gun, and the Wee, sleekit, cowrin', tim'rous beastie, trying to slip away from the fuss which it dislikes so much, is headed, and blown, or battered, to pieces.

Others, among the naturalists, benefit by the designation given to this or that object in life's treasure-house: it is the skiff wherein they keep afloat for a brief while. A patch of lichen on the bark of an old tree, a blade of grass, a puny beastie: any one of these hands down a man's name to posterity as effectively as a new comet.

Its ugly, Roman-nosed head was thrown up and out, as if about to neigh. "Poor beastie," said Aladdin, after a start. "You must be direfful cold, but we'll ride you, and that will make you warm, and us cold, and we'll all get along faster." Drawing near, he began to gentle the horse and call it pet names.