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Carlyle two years ago I took up a case for you " "To be sure. Mr. Carlyle, the private detective " "Inquiry agent," corrected Mr. Carlyle precisely. "Well," smiled Mr. Baxter, "for that matter I am a coin dealer and not an antiquarian or a numismatist. Is there anything in that way that I can do for you?" "Yes," replied his visitor; "it is my turn to consult you."

"To be robbed, I presume," answered Randolph Rover. "Or that and worse," said Dick significantly, "I reckon I have a right to all of your money, Dick Rover." "I don't see how you make that out, Baxter." "Years ago your father robbed mine out of the rights to a rich gold mine in the United States." "That's your side of the story. I claim, and so did my father, that the mine was ours."

For the first time in my life I perceived how a desperate woman can twist a man any way she wants. "No, you must not go! it is I who am going to show that I trust you." "Good God!" I protested this was too much! "no, no ... good-night, both of you ... good-night, Penton! good-night, Hildreth!" Penton Baxter stepped in my way, took hold of one of my hands in both of his....

Charley never gets a plum from it." "But what becomes of them?" asked Esther. "They disappear," said Mr. Baxter, with a significant nod. "When the plums are anything like ripe Mrs. Charley discovers some day that there isn't one left on the tree. She has never been able to get a scrap of proof as to who took them, or she'd make it hot for them.

Bet Baxter was watching a seagull rising, wheeling, soaring and settling again on the water, her blue eyes glowing as she followed the long sweeping lines of its flight and the tilt of its wings. Joy Evans watched the gull with a different feeling.

If you had not told me I should have found it out, now that my suspicions were aroused. Thank you, Judge Baxter. Now I must go." "Go? Go where?" "Home to South Harniss." "Nonsense! You're not going to South Harniss yet awhile. You're going to have dinner with my wife and me." "Thank you. I can't. I must go at once. By the next train." "There isn't any train until nearly four o'clock."

"I will not stop it, Dan Baxter, until you promise to let Dora Stanhope and the other girls alone in the future. They want nothing to do with you, and you must keep your distance." "I I didn't hurt anybody." "Do you promise to let them alone?" Without replying, the bully staggered to his feet. The blood was running from his nose and from a cut on his chin, and both of his hands were also bleeding.

Baxter was one of the first to present himself at Court, and it is creditable to his heart rather than his judgment and discrimination that he seized the occasion to offer a long address to the King, expressive of his expectation that his Majesty would discountenance all sin and promote godliness, support the true exercise of Church discipline and cherish and hold up the hands of the faithful ministers of the Church.

On returning to the butler's room, Ashe's first act was to remove a shoe from the top of the pile in the basket. He was about to leave the room with it, when the sound of footsteps in the passage outside halted him. "I do not in the least understand why you wish me to come here, my dear Baxter," said a voice, "and you are completely spoiling my morning, but " For a moment Ashe was at a loss.

In the same acute daze they went back to Nottingham. He was always busy, always doing something, always going from one to the other of his friends. On the Monday he went to see Baxter Dawes. Listless and pale, the man rose to greet the other, clinging to his chair as he held out his hand. "You shouldn't get up," said Paul. Dawes sat down heavily, eyeing Morel with a sort of suspicion.