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Gwendolyn's mother crossed them in flitting leaps, as from one roof-top to another. Her daintily shod feet scarcely touched the road, so swift was her going. A second, and she was whipped from sight at the Barn's corner.

Though stunned himself, he managed to keep her from falling, and had scarcely recovered from the shock, when as he looked out through the window he saw the barn was in flames. "Our barn's been struck," he shouted, and they rushed to the window to look, and sure enough the barn was in flames. Joe Williams reached for his hat to start out in the storm, but felt a detaining hand on his arm.

"Pretty good, Mr. White. This cow barn's going to be some building compared with the hen house. Tony and I staked it out and started the foundations. Where are those boys you were going to send me?" "That's why I came out to see you to-day," replied the banker. "There'll be six here to-morrow. I couldn't get them two at a time, so I thought you had better take them when you could get them.

It's just as much care as it used to be when we was all there on the farm together. I wisht we could go back, Ja " "We can't go back!" shouted the old man, fiercely. "There's no farm any more to go back to. The fields is full of gas-wells and oil-wells and hell-holes generally; the house is tore down, and the barn's goin' " "The barn!" gasped the old woman. "Oh, my!"

It was late afternoon, on the day following the holdup, and he was sitting in the barn doorway milking the brown cow. The doorway was shadowed, the blackness of the barn's interior behind it, the scent of clean hay drifting out and mingling with the scents of baked earth and tarweed that came from the heated fields.

It was to be his best and biggest work, and worthy of the post he designed it to take at the next Exhibition of Western Artists. He enlarged its scope so as to take in a good part of the barn's interior; he boldly added a shovel an implement that he had never attempted before; and he put in not only bins, but barrels chancing a faulty perspective in the hoops.

An' it was Swope's barn and I run in an' opened the door, didn't stop to knock or nung, an' I hollered out: 'Yib barn's afire! an' he run out in his sockfeet, an' he says: 'My Lord! he says. 'Linc, he says, 'run git the ingine an' I putt." Linc drew in a long, tremulous breath like a man that has looked on sorrow. "Why 'n't you " "Betchy 't was tramps," interrupted a bystander.

For example: just as the mowing-machine saves the mowers, the threshing-machine saves the threshers from rheumatism and chest complaints, which they used to catch in the draught and dust of the unhealthiest place in the whole parish, which is, the old-fashioned barn's floor.

"Mine's gone too," said he. "Barn's burned, and all the hay. House is there, anyhow. Lemme out, Wid." "No, hold on," said his neighbor. "There's no hurry for me to go home, now that's sure. Your leg's bad, Sim. I'll take you down." So they drove down Sim Gage's lane between the wire fence and the willows. Sim was looking eagerly ahead. Continually he moaned to himself low, as if in pain.

As he reasoned with himself: "A barn's the least likely place for robbers to search for hid treasure, whether it is a gold box or a gold mine. Eunice, she is long-headed. She wouldn't want things in the house that might induce folks' breakin's in, more particular sence Widow Sprigg seen that tramp.