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Malánya Pávlovna was passionately fond of all sweets, and a special old woman, who occupied herself with nothing but the preserves, and therefore was called the preserve-woman, brought to her, half a score of times in a day, a Chinese plate now with candied rose-leaves, again with barberries in honey, or orange sherbet.

At last, one night, when she was watering it, it spoke, and it said, 'The hour of deliverance has arrived. Lady, behold in me a Prince and your lover! and it changed into a beautiful knight with barberries in his helmet, and knelt at her feet, and they were very happy for ever after." "Oh, how short!" complained the rest. "Eyebright's was a great deal longer."

"In glass jars down cellar, sir," replied Ruth, smartly. "I did help pick those and put them up last summer, in spite of all the running around we did." "Beg pardon, Miss Fielding," said Tom. "Go on. Tell us some more recipes. Makes my mouth water." "O-o-oh! so will these barberries!" exclaimed Helen, making a wry face. "Just taste one, Tommy." "Many, many thanks!

Others washed burnt tiles, and made them lose their colour. Others extracted water out of pumice-stones, braying them a good while in a mortar, and changed their substance. Others sheared asses, and thus got long fleece wool. Others gathered barberries and figs off of thistles. Others stroked he-goats by the dugs, and saved their milk in a sieve; and much they got by it.

On one occasion he returned from his school to dine as usual in a cold room, and found himself provided there with the skeleton of a chicken, two large beets, a pie made of preserved barberries, and biscuits which pulled out when separated, like a telescope. The meat, unless fried, was always cooked too much; bread and vegetables insufficiently.

When cold cut it into slices, and garnish it with pickled barberries, fresh parsley, or any other approved article. SLICES OF COD. To boil slices of codfish, put plenty of salt into some spring water. Boil it up quick, and then put in the fish. Keep it boiling, and skim it very clean. It will be done sufficiently in eight or ten minutes. Some small pieces may be fried and served round it.

This must be poured over the Fish, and the Dish garnish'd with the Row or Milt, Barberries, and Lemons sliced. The same Method is also used for stewing of large Roach, Dace, and Chubb; but a Tench stew'd this way, is much better than a Carp, The Back of this Fish, and the Head, are the Pieces which are most in esteem.

We must prepare our Red Elder-Wine in the same manner that we make with Sugar, and if our Vessel hold about eight or ten Gallons, it will be fit for Bottling in about a Month; but if the Vessel be larger, it must stand longer in proportion, three or four Months at least for a Hogshead. This Month Barberries are ripe and fit for pickling; they make a pretty Garnish, and are prepared as follows.

The taste of barberries, which have hung out in the snow during the severity of a North American winter, I have in my mouth still, after an interval of thirty years; for I have met with no other taste in all that time at all like it. It remains by itself, almost like the impression of a sixth sense.

Captain Ben's feet quickened themselves at these thoughts, and had almost overtaken his head, when behold! at a sudden turn in the road there stood Miss Rachel Doolittle, picking barberries from a wayside bush. "My sakes! If she ain't right here, like Rachel in the Bible!" ejaculated Captain Ben, taking heart at the omen.