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The speed was a trifle too fast for an inexperienced hand at the wheel, but Cora grasped the wooden circlet firmly, and with a keen look ahead prepared for the descent of a rather steep hill. Coming up the grade were a number of autos, containing Chelton folks, who had been to the depot with early city commuters. Chelton was a great place for commuters and autos.

During the same period, the number of handicapped people who have difficulty using transit as well as autos, including the elderly is expected to increase from 9 to 11 million, making up 4.5 percent of the population.

"What's that?" cried Walter, crowding up. "Handsome stranger? Remember, boys, I saw her first!" "She means the lace seller," said Belle, languidly. "Tell you later," Cora promised. They were at the autos, standing near the edge of the depot platform now.

Come in autos and motor cycles and on foot, and stand around watching everything you do till you want to fire a monkey wrench at them.

The new religious doctrine, which assumed the same type as in Italy, was stifled. The monarch displayed his zeal by personal attendance at the autos da fe, the great public ceremonials for the execution of heretics, where the victims of his intolerance perished. A system of brutal military administration was adopted in the colonies.

She knew that the autos were rushing in with men and the slow freighters were hauling in supplies all the real news for her was the number of saloons and restaurants, and that Eells was starting a bank. A bank! And in Blackwater! The only bank that Blackwater had ever had or needed was the safe in Old Whiskers' saloon; and now this rich schemer, this iron-handed robber, was going to start a bank!

"About twenty miles on a fast day, eh?" chuckled Tom, with scorn. "Not for me! When Gypsies get to riding in autos and six-cylinder, up-to-date ones, too I'll join the first tribe that comes along." "I declare, Tommy!" laughed his sister, "you are getting to be a 'speed fiend. Ruth and I will be scared to drive with you." "It's great to go fast," exclaimed Master Tom.

Why, I'd give that myself an' set it up out there at the cross-roads for autos to bid on while they run. Its wuth well, I wouldn't say what 'twas wuth. Maybe you'd laugh, an' I ain't goin' to be laughed at, if I be an auctioneer." "Twenty-five," piped up Deacon Eli King, won by the lure of city rivalry. "Twenty-six," Timothy offered quietly.

"The man the man who was telephoning!" Tom called to the proprietor of the place. "You mean that big man, with the tall hat, who was in there so long?" "Yes, where is he?" "Gone. About two minutes ago." "Which way?" "Over toward Shopton, and in one of the fastest autos that ever scattered dust in this section." "He's escaped us!" said Tom to Ned. "But we'll get him yet! Come on!" "I'm with you.

Before she was married, the mama was a Marjory Daw of the Daw family, famous see-sawers. The children take after their mother. The Uncles are very kind and pick the hilly-cum-goes up in their arms as tenderly as a woman would. You must have seen them pick the little things up and run with them across the streets out of the way of autos.