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Aronette, like a little angel of Help, fixin' the cushions under our feet, brushin' the dust offen her mistresses dresses, or pickin' up my stitches when in my agitation or the jigglin' of the cars I dropped 'em, and a perfect Arabian Night's entertainer to Tommy, who worshipped her, when I hearn a exclamation from Tommy, and the car door shet, and I looked round and see a young man and woman advancin' down the isle.

Miss Meechim and Aronette wuz in splendid sperits, and after sup dinner went out to the theatre to see a noted tragedy acted, and they asked me to accompany and go with 'em, for I spoze that my looks wuz melancholy and deprested in extreme, Aronette offerin' to take care of Tommy if I wanted to go. But I sez, "No, I have got all the tragedy in my own bosom that I can 'tend to."

He said that the man that spoke to him was a detective he had employed, and the evening before he had come acrost a man who had been out of town since the night Aronette wuz lost.

Whilst we wuz talkin' about Aronette, Elder Wessel rushed in distracted, with his neck-tie hangin' under one ear, and his coat buttoned up wrong and the feathers of his conceit and egotism and self-righteousness hangin' limp as a wet hen. Lucia had gone too; had disappeared jest as Aronette had, no trace could be found of her; her bed had not been slept in.

And he told Miss Meechim, too, that mornin', and her complaisant belief in genteel drinkin' and her conservative belief in the Poor Man's Club, wuz shook hard how hard I didn't know until afterwards. Oh, how she, too, loved Aronette!

They went to Illollo and wuz gone for three days, Aronette stayin' with me at the tarven, and Dorothy told me when she got back how beautiful the journey wuz. The water wuz like glass, the sunrise and sunset marvellous, thickly wooded shores on either side filled with oncounted wealth. Great forests of sandal-wood, enough to build houses of, and how we treasure little snips on't in fan sticks.

She, too, had gone out on an errent the evening before. She and Aronette had been seen to leave the hotel together in the early evening. Elder Wessel, half distracted, searched for them with all his strength of mind and purse. I started Josiah off a huntin' the minute he had got through eatin'. He refused pint blank to go before. "Eat," sez I, "who can eat in such a time as this?"

Aronette wuz standing a little ways apart, talking with a young man. He wuz payin' her compliments, I knew, for there wuz a pink flush on her pretty face, and his eyes had admiration in them. I didn't like his looks at all; he looked dissipated and kinder mean, and I thought I would warn her aginst him when I got a good chance.

But after Dorothy Strong wuz livin' with him, blessed and happy in their pretty, simple home in his City of Justice, then he told her that Aronette wuz dead, died in a hospital and wuz buried in a pleasant graveyard. And Dorothy mourned for her as she would for a beloved sister. Yes, Dorothy will mourn for her all her days.

Aronette wuz combin' Tommy's hair and curlin' it over her finger as I talked to her, which made me feel some mean to attact her whilst in my service, but Duty's apron string fluttered down before me and I stiddied myself on it as I spoke real good warnin' words to her. Sez I, "My dear, I didn't like the looks of the young men I saw you walkin' with to-night."