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Updated: August 24, 2024

In the disrupted condition of affairs which succeeded Arabi Pasha's defeat by British arms the dervish movement made further rapid progress. To Sir Evelyn Wood, V.C., at the close of 1882, was assigned the task, as Sirdar or Commander-in-Chief of the Khedivial troops, of forming a real native army.

Rumour had it that Arabi at Kafr Dowar was preparing to attack the town, and in consequence the authorities prepared to receive him. A large number of soldiers, blue-jackets, and marines with Gatling guns were landed, and the resources of the town were taxed to the utmost. Night and day the work of fortification went on, and guns were mounted at many points on the southern parts of the town.

"Arabi is not likely to kill us, I think; but should he be away we may be at the mercy of some subordinate officer who, as likely as not, may wish to get rid of us to curry favour with his chief. It is as well to be prepared for the worst." Helmar remained silent, he was thinking of Naoum and the letter which the man, Belbeis, was carrying to him. Belbeis had told him that Naoum was here.

Unfortunately, it was one that the Mahdi turned to the best advantage by drilling and arming his troops, and summoning levies from the more distant parts of the provinces, while the Khedive's Government, engrossed in troubles nearer home the Arabi revolt and the intervention of England in the internal administration seemed paralysed in its efforts to restore its authority over the Soudan, which at that moment would have been comparatively easy.

Before you leave here I will give you a sign by which you may know your friends. But more of this when the word comes for you to start, and, in the meantime, Arabi intends coming here to see you himself." George started up. "What! Coming to see me? Why?" "Ah, that is the point I cannot myself understand. As I said, I do not trust him. But he dare not play me false," he added, thoughtfully.

But I should hardly think that Arabi would venture to try his strength against that of the fleets, and I fancy that trouble will, in the first place, begin in Cairo; both as being the capital of the country, and beyond the reach of armed interference by the Powers.

Those were the days before Arabi, when elements of danger and of doubt abounded, and none knew what a month might bring forth. With perfect tact Julie guided the conversation, so that all difficulties, whether for the French official or the English statesman, were avoided with a skill that no one realized till each separate rock was safely passed.

Doubtless you have been told many lies about me already, but if you listen to them you will regret it." "So, you would dictate to me the course of action I am to adopt? You forget," Arabi went on, with an ominous pucker of his brows, "that this war is a war of extermination. We have been too long under the ban of European influence.

"Splendid. I haven't had any dinner, I had breakfast so late, so we'll make up for it now." "An' where are yer goin', if it's a fair question?" asked his companion. "Well, I don't know that I ought to say. Still, I wasn't told to keep it quiet, so I suppose it doesn't matter. It seems old Arabi has retired to Kafr Dowar and is going to make a stand there. We're going to gather information.

Arabi Pasha was banished for life, and the authority of the Khedive was restored under British control. We thus maintained peace and order in Egypt; but a great revolt took place in the provinces of the Soudan, which had been conquered by Egypt. An Egyptian army commanded by General Hicks was almost entirely destroyed by the natives under a religious leader called the Mahdi.

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