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They sat down by mutual consent beneath a crooked old apple-tree, which yet blossomed as pure and fresh as did the youngest in the orchard. From beneath this white and perfumed tent was a view of the distant city. Gnulemah could not be called talkative, yet in giving her thoughts expression she outdid vocabularies.

Then they lifted him and bore him away, carrying him in that manner to a certain castle in the forest that was no great distance away. And the name of that castle was Chateaubras and it was one of Queen Morgana's castles. For whilst he had gone asleep beneath that apple-tree, here he now lay in a fair chamber upon a couch spread with a coverlet of flame-colored linen.

Besides the trees in her orchard, poor Widow Brown had in her small garden one apple-tree particularly fine; it was a red streak, so tempting and so lovely, that Giles's family had watched it with longing eyes, till at last they resolved on a plan for carrying off all this fine fruit in their bags. But it was a nice point to manage.

I need not go into further details; suffice it to say the thing was managed, and although the old fellows well knew their danger and took all sorts of precautions, the princes thus mutilated always contrived to assassinate their parents, and thus that apple-tree has been the theatre of the most awful series of tragedies the earth has ever known.

Not so Giles; he felt doubtful perhaps a trifle cynical for that strand was wound into him with the rest. He looked at his clothes with misgiving, then with indifference. It was his custom during the planting season to carry a specimen apple-tree to market with him as an advertisement of what he dealt in.

The workshop was nicer than the old apple-tree house, because there were always lots of things to do in it for Nicky. "Nicky," she said suddenly, "do you believe in ghosts?" "Well " Nicky caught his bar as it fell from the lathe and examined it critically. "You remember when I was afraid of ghosts, and you used to come and sit with me till I went to sleep?" "Rather." "Well there are ghosts.

Christophe was not concerned with these French quarrels: they were no affair of his: but he sympathized with the old soldier. Whatever he might think of war, it seemed to him that an army was meant to produce soldiers, as an apple-tree to produce apples, and that it was a strange perversion to graft on to it politicians, esthetes, and sociologists.

There's a stir that does my heart good, Master Bobby; and the master be right down hearty with all on us. He be the proper man to be here, sure enough! True's delight at exploring the gardens and climbing into the apple-tree infected Bobby. 'I never had no one to play with before, he said. 'Me and Nobbles used to make up plenty, but we wanted someone else to do it.

Soon she came to the apple-tree, which cried, "Oh, shake me! shake me! we apples are all ripe!" But she answered, "I like that! one of you might fall on my head," and so went on. When she came to Mother Holle's house she was not afraid, for she had already heard of her big teeth, and she hired herself to her immediately.

'If I do, continued the knight, 'I shall then meet a sort of fairy armed with a needle of fire which burns to ashes all it touches. This dwarf stands guarding an apple-tree, from which I am bound to pluck an apple. 'And next? inquired Peronnik. 'Next I shall find the flower that laughs, protected by a lion whose mane is formed of vipers.