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Real old English! And I wish her well!" He meant the Queen and Empress. Then suddenly, in a different tone, sniffing the air, "I doubt it's turned! I'll step across and ask Mr Doy." He stepped across, and came back with the news that the greater portion of the ox, despite every precaution, had in fact very annoyingly `turned, and that the remainder of the carcass was in serious danger.

John and Paula were reconciled by it, or at least as soon as it happened. Paula had come down from Ravinia that very day, had had some sort of scene with her husband, and the two had been almost annoyingly at one upon every conceivable subject since.

It was impossible for me to dictate to a nervous, anxious woman, whose obvious mental condition acted most annoyingly upon my nerves, and I suggested that she bring her husband into her room, and let him sit there while she worked. With this proposition my secretary was delighted. "Oh, that will be charming!" she cried.

To the man on the spot English settlers meant "the four hundred and fifty contemptible sutlers and traders" who had come in the wake of the army from New England and New York, with no proper respect for their betters, and vulgarly and annoyingly insistent upon what they claimed to be their rights.

And, after I had smoked thoughtfully awhile, I sighed. "Yes, I fear I may seem so." "Oh, I forgive you!" "Thank you." "Though you needn't be so annoyingly humble about it," said she, and frowned, and, even while she frowned, laughed and shook her head. "And pray, why do you laugh?" "Because oh, Peter, you are such a boy!" "So you told me once before," said I, biting my pipe-stem viciously.

"It is night, and cameras are used in the sunshine." "We have electric lights." Harley began to feel provoked. There were limits to perverseness, or should be. "I am expected to dinner by Mr. and Mrs. Grayson," he said. "Will you kindly cease to keep me waiting and show me in? I shall not steal any of the furniture." The maid was annoyingly calm. "Mr. and Mrs.

It is unfortunate that we shall not probably be able to exchange our experiences, because, as it most annoyingly happens, we shall probably both be dead." Turnbull looked dimly surprised. "I don't mind so much about being dead," he said, "but why should you say that we shall be defeated?" "The answer is very simple," replied Wayne, calmly. "It is because we ought to be defeated.

There had been a strong wind in the forenoon, but it seemed to me they ought to have got further annoyingly the telephone gave no news from Hut Point, evidently something was wrong. After dinner Simpson and Gran started for Hut Point. This morning Simpson has just rung up. He says the motors are in difficulties with the surface.

But the thought of explicitly repealing the Missouri Compromise, which he had been wont to declare inviolably sacred, appalled him. He dreaded its effect in Illinois and throughout the Puritanical North, where moral ideas were annoyingly obtrusive. The South, though not demanding the repeal of the Compromise, would surely welcome it with joy and gratitude.

He went out but seldom now, and rarely remained away for more than an hour or two. Linda heard this without an indication of responsive interest, and the servant, returning abruptly from the excursion into humanity, disappeared. She was glad to have this opportunity alone to accustom herself to a novel position. But she was once more annoyingly calm.