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"One hundred and nine in the shade," replied the Major, with a chuckle. "Ah, dear!" said Mrs. Buckley, "If the dear old rheumatic creatures from the alms-house at Clere could only spend to-morrow with us, how it would warm their old bones! Fancy how they are crouching before their little pinched grates just now!" "Hardly that, Mrs. Buckley," I said laughing; "they are all snug in bed now.

Then, as the conviction came over her that Mary was indeed the child of her own sister, she wound her arms about her neck, and kissing her lips, murmured, "My child, my Mary. Oh, had I known this sooner, you should not have been so cruelly deserted, and little Allie should never have died in the alms-house. But you'll never leave me now, for all that I have is yours yours and Ella's."

"After many more hardships, I was at length so happy as to get an asylum in this alms-house. Here my cares are at an end, but not my duties." "Now you are wrong again," interrupted Mrs. Betty; "your duty is now to take care of yourself: for I am sure you have nothing to spare." "There you are mistaken again," said Mrs. Simpson.

'Do you call this a nosegay? said Elizabeth, 'I call it a forest of flowers. Really, a Consecration opens people's hearts; I do not mean that yours is not open enough on ordinary occasions, Aunt Anne; but when the children took their walk in the alms-house court this morning, they were loaded with flowers from all quarters, beginning with old Mr.

A brief consultation among themselves determined them, understanding, as they did perfectly, the condition of the family, and his relation to them, to remove him at once to the Alms-House, where he could get judicious medical treatment, and be out of the sight and hearing of his wife and children. One of them briefly explained to Mrs.

The friends of the family were very kind to the daughter; but her extreme indolence, her vanity, pertness, and ingratitude, finally exhausted the kindness of the most generous and forbearing; and as nothing could induce her to personal exertion, she was at length obliged to take shelter in the alms-house. Here her misery is incurable.

"Well," said Mrs. Betty, "I think if I had lived in such genteel life as you have done, I could never be reconciled to an alms-house; and I am afraid I should never forgive any of those who were the cause of sending me there, particularly that farmer Thomas who turned you out of doors." "Betty," said Mrs.

Thomas Thorp was an apprentice in Acton, having been taken from the alms-house of the town of Boston. He not only served at Concord but during the war; and his love of country shone as bright in the evening as in the morning of his days. In Massachusetts the revolution was carried on by towns. These organizations were proof against all the attacks of the British Government.

"She taunted me with my poverty she flung the Alms-House in my teeth oh, Mary, Mary, dependence on that woman has been a burning curse to my nature oh I would die for the power to fling back all the money she heaped upon me. It crushes my life out." "Hush, hush Isabel, this is wicked rebellion one insult should not cancel a life of benefits," said Mary, very gently. Isabel laughed wildly.

Williams seemed to think the situation of her sister at the alms-house, almost as disgraceful as her place in the market. She never renewed a communication with her. Even up to the hour when Mrs. Haller was called to her final account, which was many years after, her sister neither saw nor spoke to her. THE story of Julia Forrester is but a revelation of what occurs every day.