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Randal can't sing any more than a crow, but I left him with a glass of champagne upside down, trying to give them my old favorite: "'Tis better to laugh than be sighing," and Charlie burst forth in that bacchanalian melody at the top of his voice, waving an allumette holder over his head to represent Randal's inverted wineglass. "Hush!

Among those who came forward to press the hand of the young party leader, the Abbe de Gondi jumped about like a kid. "I have already enrolled my regiment!" he cried. "I have some superb fellows!" Then, addressing Marion de Lorme, "Parbleu! Mademoiselle, I will wear your colors your gray ribbon, and your order of the Allumette. The device is charming 'Nous ne brullons que pour bruller les autres.

Brûlé spent nearly all his life among the Hurons, who adopted him as a member of their family, while Marsolet accompanied the Algonquins to Allumette Island, and became one of their best friends. Historians of Canada mention the names of many other interpreters of this period, some of whom founded families, while others afterwards returned to France.

This, with the other influences of the place, had its effect; and some notable conversions were made. Tessouat was chief of Allumette Island, in the Ottawa. His predecessor, of the same name, was Champlain's host in 1613. See "Pioneers of France," Chap. Maisonneuve rewarded him with a gun, and celebrated the day by a feast to all the Indians present. They were never given to heathen Indians.

At this time an Algonquin of La Petite Nation, a tribe living south of Allumette Island, was held at Quebec for murdering a Frenchman. His friends were seeking his release; but Champlain deemed his execution necessary as a lesson to the Indians. Le Borgne rose to the occasion.

Davost was abandoned among the Ottawas of Allumette Island, his baggage plundered and his books and papers thrown into the river. Daniel, too, was deserted by his savage conductors. Both, however, found means to continue the journey. When Brebeuf reached Otouacha, on the 5th of August, his Indian guides, in haste to get to their villages, suddenly vanished into the forest.

In summer the men went naked; in winter they donned a fur cape. They were noted warriors, hunters and fishers, and skillful in making shell ornaments. As the "Nation of the Island" also were they known to the French explorers, because their headquarters were upon that large island of Allumette in the Ottawa River above present Ottawa of Canada.

The savage politicians of Allumette Island contrived, as will soon be seen, to turn this incident to profit. By the unwritten laws of the Hurons and Algonquins, every tribe had the right, even in full peace, of prohibiting the passage of every other tribe across its territory. In ordinary cases, such prohibitions were quietly submitted to.

Winston lighted a cigar with an allumette from a bronze taper-stand a Christmas gift from his wife, which she kept supplied with fanciful spiles twisted and fringed into a variety of shapes; drew several long breaths to be certain that the fire had taken hold of the heart of the Havana, tossed the pretty paper into the embers, and resumed his seat in the chimney corner.

Among those who came forward to press the hand of the young party leader, the Abbe de Gondi jumped about like a kid. "I have already enrolled my regiment!" he cried. "I have some superb fellows!" Then, addressing Marion de Lorme, "Parbleu! Mademoiselle, I will wear your colors your gray ribbon, and your order of the Allumette. The device is charming 'Nous ne brullons que pour bruller les autres.