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Updated: August 9, 2024

Then wee anchored, and saw that it was a very good harbour for all windes, and rode all night. The people of the country came aboord of us, making shew of love, and gave us tabacco and Indian wheat, and departed for that night, but we durst not trust them. The twelfth, very faire and hot.

In the afternoone the Basha came downe to the waterside against the shippe, and hauing the said ordinance placed, and charged, it was all shotte off to gratifie him: and presently after his departure backe, he permitted the factors to come aboord the shippe.

"It's more than I can tell; mayhap some of 'em were carried away on bits o' wreck and may turn up yet." "At all events none of them came ashore, to your knowledge?" "I believe that every mother's son o' the crew wos lost but me," replied Gaff evasively. "Were none of the children saved?" "What child'n?" asked the other quickly. "I didn't say there was child'n aboord, did I?"

And comming downe to go aboord, the winde then being northerly and the sea somewhat growne, they could not come on shore with the boate, which was a thing of small succour and not able to rowe in any rough sea, whereupon we stayed vntill the next morning, thinking to haue had lesse winde and safer passage.

Wherefore seeing that M. Nicolo was a man of iudgement and discretion, and very expert both in sea matters and martiall affaires, hee gaue him commission to goe aboord his Nauy with all his men, charging the captaine to honor him and in all things to use his counsaile.

In the ende one of them was drunke, which had beene aboord of our ship all the time that we had beene there: and that was strange to them; for they could not tell how to take it. The canoes and folke went all on shoare: but some of them came againe, and brought stropes of beades: some had sixe, seven, eight, nine, ten; and gave him. So he slept all night quietly.

A few curious stars pricked the darkness above. The old man's voice was gaining strength as he went on. "So I goes aboord the Vanguard, and there in his own state-room I says the thing that had to be said and I says it straight." Kit was listening intently. The strange blurred voice coming to his out of the darkness moved him to his deeps. "Ooop joomps Nelson, raving mad.

You may read it for yourselves, my dears, in the life of John Paul Jones. "Wae's me!" he said, with a heave of his big chest, "I reca' as yestreen the night Maxwell cam aboord. I tauld the captain 'twas a' the faut o' Maxwell. I ne'er cad bide the blellum. Dour an' din he was, wi' ae girn like th' auld hornie.

5 Item, the company according as they be appointed by the officers of the said ship aboue named, shall at all times be most ready to doe their painfull indeuor, not onely aboord, but in all labours at the land, according to the direction giuen by the aboue named officers, vpon paine of forfeiture of their shares and wages, the same to be diuided amongst the company.

11 If any man discover land by night, that he giue the like warning, that he doth for mischances, two lights, and two pieces, if it be by day one piece, and put out his flagge, and strike all his sailes he hath aboord. 12 If any ship shall happen to lose company by force of weather, then any such ship or ships shall get her into the latitude of and so keepe that latitude vntill they get Frisland.

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