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Streatham was a quiet country-village, separated by wide commons from London, on one of which a highwayman had been hanged who had there robbed Mr. According to Mrs. No doubt she was speaking chiefly of the summer half of the year, for in the winter time the Thrales would be often in their town house, where he also had his apartment. Mr. Cambridge, early in the year; a short visit. Ante, i. 487.

When the men to-day answered the notice that all should present themselves ready for work only 487 reported. That shows more clearly than anything else that has yet been known the terrible nature of the fatality of the Conemaugh. The mortality wrought among these men in a few hours is thus shown to have been greater than that in either of the armies that contended for three days at Gettysburg.

He was Governor of Iowa from 1860 to 1864, and, in January, 1866, he was elected a United States Senator from Iowa for the unexpired term of James Harlan, ending in 1867, at which date he was succeeded by his predecessor, who was re-elected. 487. WILLIAM H. KOONTZ, a lawyer by profession, was elected a Representative from Pennsylvania to the Thirty-Ninth Congress.

Min. vol. iii. p. 487. Lat. A sort of -parabasis- in the -Curculio- of Plautus describes what went on in the market-place of the capital, with little humour perhaps, but with life-like distinctness. -Conmonstrabo, quo in quemque hominem facile inveniatis loco, Ne nimio opere sumat operam, si quis conventum velit Vel vitiosum vel sine vitio, vel probum vel inprobum.

During the early portion of his first reign, which extended from A.D. 487 to 498, we are told that he entrusted the entire administration of affairs to Suklira, or Sufrai, who had been the chief minister of his uncle.

Father Petau, among others, possessed his confidence, as we have already observed, and shall see again. Ep. 935. p. 120. Ep. 487. p. 864. Ep. 1004. p. 641. Ep. 593. p. 913. Ep. 534. p. 914. 537. p. 916. & 1520, p. 689. Ep. 1570. p. 709. Ep. 1078. p. 711. Ep. 607. p. 938. Ep. 610. p. 939. Ep. 613. p. 940. Ep. 674. p. 959. Ep. 677. p. 959. Animad. in animad. Riveti, p. 640. Ep. 628. p. 915.

The four quaestors who had been since 487 distributed throughout Italy did not, formally at least, restrict the consular authority, for in Italy, just as in Rome, they were regarded simply as auxiliary magistrates dependent on the consuls.

Moreover, in his Life and Times, i. 17, 18, Brougham declares that he derived from his maternal ancestors the qualities which lifted him above the mediocrity that had always attached to his ancestors on the paternal side. Wirt, 3. In a letter to Wirt, in 1815, Life of Henry, 14, 15; also Writings of Jefferson, vi. 487, 488, where the letter is given, apparently, from the first draft.

It should be observed that the sum of $96,096,922.09, expended for reimbursements and redemption of public debt, being included also in the loans made, may be properly deducted both from receipts and expenditures, leaving the actual receipts for the year $487,788,324.97, and the expenditures $474,744,778.16.

The interested reader is referred to the original papers, as well as to the discussion which follows; after which he may decide for himself which seems to him the more rational explanation of the facts. Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. xxi. pp. 436-515. Researches in the Phenomena of Spiritualism, p. 92. Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. xxi. p. 488. Proceedings, S.P.R., vol. xxi. p. 487.