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Updated: January 29, 2025
Oro parumper Attendas quantum de legibus ipse queratur Fatorum et nimio de stamine, quum videt acris Antilochi barbam ardentem: quum quaerit ab omni Quisquis adest socius, cur haec in tempora duret, Quod facinus dignum tam longo admiserit aevo. Burke's grief finds a nobler expression. "The storm has gone over me, and I lie like one of those old oaks which the late hurricane has scattered about me.
Min. vol. iii. p. 487. Lat. A sort of -parabasis- in the -Curculio- of Plautus describes what went on in the market-place of the capital, with little humour perhaps, but with life-like distinctness. -Conmonstrabo, quo in quemque hominem facile inveniatis loco, Ne nimio opere sumat operam, si quis conventum velit Vel vitiosum vel sine vitio, vel probum vel inprobum.
COMMEMORO: 'I say over to myself'. In Cicero commemoro is a verb of speaking, and never has the meaning of recordor or memini. CURRICULA: see nn. on 33. MAGNO OPERE: better so written than in one word magnopere; so maximo, minimo, nimio opere. ADSUM AMICIS: 'I act as counsel to my friends'. This legal sense of adesse is common.
Min. vol. iii. p. 487. Lat. A sort of -parabasis- in the -Curculio- of Plautus describes what went on in the market-place of the capital, with little humour perhaps, but with life-like distinctness. -Conmonstrabo, quo in quemque hominem facile inveniatis loco, Ne nimio opere sumat operam, si quis conventum velit Vel vitiosum vel sine vitio, vel probum vel inprobum.
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