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"You bear up under the disgrace as well as anybody ever I saw. You know perfectly well you was tickled to death to have her tie that necktie on you. You was grinnin' like a Chessy cat all the time." "I wasn't, neither. I was chokin', not grinnin'. You don't know a grin from a choke." Zoeth changed the subject. "It's a mighty pretty necktie," he declared.

Chase was as permanent a fixture in that house as the ship's chronometer in the dining-room; and that was screwed to the wall. And, in spite of his grumbling, he and Mary-'Gusta were rapidly becoming fast friends. Shadrach and Zoeth also were beginning to enjoy her company, her unexpected questions, her interest in the house and the store, and shrewd, old-fashioned comments on persons and things.

"I presume likely," hinted Zoeth, "you and me'll have to give the Judge some sort of an answer pretty soon, won't we? He'll be wantin' to know afore long." "Know? Know what?" "Why why whether we're goin' to say yes or no to what Marcellus asked us in that letter." "He does know. Fur's I'm consarned, he knows. I spoke my mind plain enough to pound through anybody's skull, I should think."

So I finally agreed to serve, and the very first meeting I went to, the question of Asaph Blueworthy and the poorhouse comes up. Zoeth Tiddit he was town clerk he puts it this way: "Gentlemen," he says, "we have here the usual application from Asaph Blueworthy for aid from the town. I don't know's there's much use for me to read it it's tolerable familiar.

Mary was amazed and a trifle alarmed. One partner of Hamilton and Company was there in the buggy with her. By all the rules of precedent and South Harniss business the other should have been at the store. She knew that her uncles had employed no clerk or assistant since she left. "But but is Uncle Zoeth sick?" she asked. "Sick? No, no, course he ain't sick.

Zoeth, who was evidently much disturbed, rose and laid a hand on his arm. "There, there, Isaiah," he pleaded. "Don't act so. We ain't findin' any fault. Shadrach wasn't findin' fault, was you, Shadrach?" "No, no, course I wasn't. Don't talk so foolish, Isaiah. Nobody wants you to quit. All I said was Come back here and set down. Your tea's gettin' all cold."

That may be stretchin' it a mite, but anyhow it goes to show that Jerry Clifford don't shed money same as a cat does its hair." Zoeth put in a word. "He says he'll pay pretty soon," he observed plaintively. "He's been sayin' it for over a year, though." "Humph!" grunted Shadrach.

I never was so mortified in my life. And at her own father's funeral, too!" "What has she done?" "Done? She " Mrs. Hobbs hesitated, glanced at Captain Shadrach, and left her sentence unfinished. "Never mind what she done," she went on. "I can't tell you now; I declare I'd be ashamed to. I'll go get her." She marched from the room. Zoeth rubbed his forehead.

It was the first time in a good many years and whether the congregation or Zoeth or the Captain himself was the more astonished at the latter's being there is a question. Mary-'Gusta was not greatly astonished. It was the result of careful planning on her part, planning which had as its object the relieving of Mr. Hamilton's mind.

"Zoeth, I've got a funny feelin', too, but I know what's the reason for it the reason is turkey and plum puddin' and mince pie and the land knows what. When a couple of old hulks like you and me h'ist in a cargo of that kind it's no wonder we have feelin's. Good night, shipmate." The day after New Year's Mary went back to Boston and to school.