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'Nopoty loaf you, pot I will not exchange you for somepoty in ze worlt, One zing your Mutter pegs you, to rememper, sayt she to me, 'learn vell, ant be efer one honest man; zen Got will not forsake you. Ant I triet so to become. Ven my fourteen year hat expiret, ant me coult partake of ze Holy Sopper, my Mutter sayt to my Vater, 'Karl is one pig poy now, Kustaf.

Just as the first flush of dawn mellowed the East Grant heard the pounding of horses' feet and the sound of voices borne across the valley. They rapidly approached; he could tell by the hard pounding of the hoofs that they were on a trail which he took to be the one he had followed before he met Zen. It passed possibly a hundred yards to the left. He must in some way make his presence known.

"Listen: I go to Payta; I go by train to Chito; zen I reach ze Morona River; from zere I reach Marinha. Listen: El Dorado is between ze Caqueta and ze Putumayo Rivers, in ze forest." I would have asked him how he knew, but I had to break away to relieve the lookout. I wished the little man good night; I never spoke with him again. I thought of him all that watch, as I kept scanning the seas.

But even the two combined convey no idea of the labyrinth of observances which constituted the ceremonial. The development of the cha-no-yu is mainly due to Shuko, a priest of the Zen sect of Buddhism, who seems to have conceived that tea drinking might be utilized to promote the moral conditions which he associated with its practice. Prof.

"A gentleman is coming," said Emilia, by no means intimidated, though the forehead of Mr. Pericles looked portentous. "He was bringing me to you." "Zen, jomp in!" cried Mr. Pericles. Here Sir Purcell came up. Emilia said softly: "Mr. Pericles." There was the form of a bow of moderate recognition between them, but other hats were off to Emilia.

But the scarcity of these was somewhat compensated by the rich and brilliant colouring of the foliage. The abundance and variety of the ferns also struck the youth particularly. "Ah! zey are magnificent!" exclaimed Verkimier with enthusiasm. "Look at zat tree-fern. You have not'ing like zat in England eh! I have found nearly von hoondred specimens of ferns. Zen, look at zee fruit-trees.

I don't believe you love me, and I never will believe it again. So don't say tender things. They only make me sad. Tell me what " "You do pelief I lofe you." "No." "Chérie." "Don't, Tulitz!" "You know I haf a so hot blood. It tingle viz lofe for you and I am sane. Zen I dream. I see some strange sight power, money, ze people at my feet ze people I hate, bah! I see zem all bend.

His face showed a jaded look. Night revelry, rather than care or years, had wrinkled it; but his bow was high-bred. "Madame," in an undertone. "Monsieur, it is M. Grandissime whom I wish to see," she said in French. But the young man responded in English. "You har one tenant, ent it?" "Yes, seh." "Zen eet ees M. De Brahmin zat you 'ave to see." "No, seh; M. Grandissime."

According to their tradition Kashiapa, the first Zen patriarch, imparted the secret to Ananda, who in turn passed it on to successive patriarchs until it reached Bodhi-Dharma, the twenty-eighth. Bodhi-Dharma came to Northern China in the early half of the sixth century and was the first patriarch of Chinese Zen. There is much uncertainty about the history of these patriarchs and their doctrines.

But most of all I suppose it is just natural laziness. People refuse to think. It calls for effort. Most people would find it easier to pitch a load of hay than to think of a new thought." The moon was now well up; the smoke clouds had been scattered by the breeze; the sky was studded with diamonds. Zen had a feeling of being very happy.