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Updated: August 19, 2024

"Solomon was framin' up a system for hossmen, I reckon. 'A time to get and a time to lose. Only thing is, Solomon himself couldn't figure which was which with some of these rascals! Oh, Mose!" "Yessuh, boss! Comin'!" Jockey Moseby Jones emerged from the tackle-room, rubbing his eyes with one hand and tugging at his sweater with the other.

I hoed corn, tatahs, garden onions, and hepped take cair de hosses, mules an oxen. Say I could hoe onions goin' backwards. Yessuh, I cud." "De first money I see wuz what I got frum sum soljers fo' sellin' dem a bucket of turtl' eggs. Dat wuz de day I run away to see sum Yankee steamboats filled with soljers." "Marse Dick, Marse Beckwith's son used to go fishin' with me.

"It seems to me I asked you what you thought about this 'statue' when I first came home, George," said Bibbs, thoughtfully. "What did you tell me?" "Yessuh!" George chuckled, perfectly understanding that for some unknown reason Bibbs enjoyed hearing him repeat his opinion of the Moor.

"Dat ole Mamie mighty vain, yessuh!" He suffered a very quiet chuckle to escape him. "She did most sutney 'sist dat I ax you ain't you like dem biscuit. She de ve'y vaines' woman in dis State, dat ole Mamie, yessuh!" And now he cast one quick glance out of the corner of his eye at Miss Betty, before venturing a louder chuckle.

There was a terrific yawn. "O-o-oh! Slide it oh under the door." "Yessuh." Meredith lay quite without motion for several minutes, sleepily watching the yellow rhomboid in the crevice. It was a hateful looking thing to come mixing in with pleasant dreams and insist upon being read. After a while he climbed groaningly out of bed, and read the message with heavy eyes, still half asleep.

"Well, hitch up " Raincrow, he was about to say, and then he remembered that Raincrow was dead. "Have you got anything to drive?" "Yessuh; we got Mr. Basil's little mare." "Hitch her up to my buggy, then, right away. I want you to drive me." The old darky looked puzzled, but Mrs. Crittenden, still with the idea of humouring him, nodded for him to obey, and the old man turned toward the stable.

I 'uz a fool when I talk 'bout th'owin' money roun' that a-way. I know what you up to, Abalene. Man come by here li'l bit ago tole me all 'bout white man try to 'rest you, ovah on the avvynoo. Yessuh; he say white man goin' to git you yit an' th'ow you in jail 'count o' Whitey. White man tryin' to fine out who you is. He say, nemmine, he'll know Whitey ag'in, even if he don' know you!

"Marster in hebben, ef I only had my stren'th!" muttered Zenas as she went on. "Angels b'arin' dat chile up wid deir wings," chanted Aunt Dolcey. Then, descending to more mundane matters, she added a delighted chuckle: "I knowed she'd rise en shine one dese days. Holler at Marse Wes she did, name him names, plenty. Yessuh laid him out!"

Mist' Sydney an' Mist' Jawge talkin' louduh'n I evuh heah nobody ca'y on in nish heah house! Quollin', honey, big quollin'!" "All right," said George shortly. "You go on back to your own part of the house, and don't make any talk. Hear me?" "Yessuh, yessuh," Sam chuckled, as he shuffled away. "Plenty talkin' wivout Sam! Yessuh!" George went to the foot of the great stairway.

"Yessuh." "Where?" Carrying on a conversation with Sam Two was like prying diamonds out of a rock. He possessed a rooted distaste for talking. "Heah, suh." "When?" "Jest a li'l bitty 'go." "Where did she go?" Sam pointed downstream. "Did she take the boat?" "Yessuh." And then for the first time since Val had known him Sam volunteered a piece of information. "She done say she a-goin' in de swamp."

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