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John's wort, with its leaves marked with blood-like spots, which appear, according to tradition, on the anniversary of his decollation, is still "the wonderful herb" that cures all sorts of wounds. Herb-bennet, popularly designated "Star of the earth," a name applied to the avens, hemlock, and valerian, should properly be, says Dr. Prior, "St.

He told Lady Latimer that we ought to keep our liberal imaginations in check by a system of cash payments." "Our friend has a disagreeable trick of being right," said Bessie laughing. "He has his uses, but I cannot bear him. I don't know who is to blame whether it is Miss Wort or Lady Latimer but there is no peace at Beechhurst now for begging.

You know it, don't you?" And she recited with ludicrous pathos the following two lines: "'Heirathen, Kind, ist wunderlich Wort, Hor ich's, mocht ich gleich wieder fort." "Good Heaven, what a profound knowledge of human nature our great Goethe has got, and how proud I am to be allowed to call him a friend of mine Heirathen, Kind, ist wunderlich Wort." "Marianne, you are cruel and unjust, you "

Of Grinding Malts. As trifling as this Article in Brewing may seem at first it very worthily deserves the notice of all concern'd therein, for on this depends much the good of our Drink, because if it is ground too small the flower of the Malt will be the easier and more freely mix with the water, and then will cause the wort to run thick, and therefore the Malt must be only just broke in the Mill, to make it emit its Spirit gradually, and incorporate its flower with the water in such a manner that first a stout Beer, then an Ale, and afterwards a small Beer may be had at one and the same Brewing, and the wort run off fine and clear to the last.

The party, five of them in all, slouched over to the rail and stood looking down into the life-boat with an air of stolid indifference, as she rose and fell alongside. Then they turned and looked inboard at the long-boat, which stood upright in chocks, on top of the main hatch, with the jolly-boat stowed, keel-up, inside her. Finally one of them said: "Yah, ve'll do id; she's wort' de drouble.

Fortunately the ground to be charged across was not a long stretch, and in a moment they were all shoving against the fence. "Wort, you didn't do that right," claimed the president. "Yes, I did." "No, you're wrong," asserted Sid. "Let me try?" asked Rick. "No, this will do," said Sid. "You may march us, Rick." This compromise was accepted.

"O no! Look round and find a piece of rope and make it fast to something up there, and then drop your rope down here and come that way." "What, drop myself down like the rope?" said Wort, grinning. "Tut, tut, boy! come down the rope! Didn't I say so plain as day? and if I didn't, I will now."

You do not expect to reap before you do sow de seed: de expense is de seed de riches and de mine of goot metal, and now de great big chests of plate, they are de crop vary goot crop too, on mine wort.

"I will!" shouted Wort, fearful that he might lose his chance for an office, and eagerly assenting beforehand to any thing that was coming. "You be janitor, and take care of the the hall?" said Sid, looking round on the barn-chamber. "That's what I meant." "Yes, yes!" "There ought to be a sentinel," said Sid; "one, you know, to look after the door and not let any down-townies up.

"At least, however, let my daughter read the narrative she has taken down of the story of Martin Waldeck." "Ah! that was vary true story but Miss Wardour, she is so sly and so witty, that she has made it just like one romance as well as Goethe or Wieland could have done it, by mine honest wort." "To say the truth, Mr.