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Updated: August 13, 2024

He looked at his tools, and walked away, a bent old man! Then Jean gathered up in both hands the old work-worn tools, all polished with use, scissors, punches, knives, folders, scrapers, and kissed them, the tears running down his cheeks. At that moment his aunt came in, looking for her spectacles. Furtively, in a whisper, she asked him for a little money.

John Deal balanced the sack in the palm of one work-worn hand and looked hard at the Messenger. He could see only her eyes. "Reckon you ain't the same trooper as come yesterday." "No." "What might be yoh regiment?" The Messenger was looking hard at the beehives. The door of one of the hives, a new one, was shut.

But I tell you it means some compliment to a man when in a bleak, dour, work-worn personality like the old Botany dame's for instance he finds himself able to lure out into occasional facial ecstasy the amazing vitality which has been slaving for Science alone these past fifty years. Mushrooms are what the old Botany dame is interested in, Barton.

She had been an ill-used, ragged, work-worn child, and something of that degradation seemed, in her feeling, still to cling to her. Could she have known Bob Hewett's view of her position, she would have felt its injustice, but at the same time would have bowed her head.

He held out his hand and grasped the old woman's hard, work-worn fingers very warmly in his. Dr. Haworth, as the good people of Witanbury were fond of reminding one another generally in a commendatory, though sometimes in a complaining, tone was a real gentleman. There followed hours of that merciful rush and bustle which at such moments go a long way to deaden suspense and pain.

There upon the scented pillows and silken coverlet we set our burden down, the work-worn hands clasped upon the breast in an attitude of prayer, and one by one bid our farewell to this faithful and upright man, whose face, as it chanced, we were never to see again, except in the glass of memory. Well, he had died as he had lived and would have wished to die doing his duty and in war.

Seated just outside this evil-smelling dungeon for the blockhouse, encased in huge sandbags, is full of dirt and ruins and has many smells the feelings of this representative of the Chinese Government must have been charmingly mixed. Near by were grimy and work-worn men, in all manner of attire, with their rifles; in the dry canal alongside were rude structures of brick and overturned.

I sighed acquiescingly. Mrs. Purdon's fierce independence was a rock on which every attempt at sympathy or help shattered itself to atoms. There seemed to be no other emotion left in her poor old work-worn shell of a body.

Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: My flesh also shall dwell in safety. Ps. And where the heart is glad, and one rejoiceth in the sense of peace and safety, sweet sleep lays its soothing hand upon the work-worn brain and body, tired with the labors of the day, and brings rest, repose, recuperation. Our civilization is called a Christian civilization. We are the Christian nations.

"I wish you'd tell me," she added, looking at them wistfully, "when it bothers you, an' I'll jest bottle it all up again twice as tight as 'twas before." "Oh, please," cried Amy, taking one of the work-worn hands and pressing it earnestly between her own warm ones. "We just feel honored to think that you trust us enough and like us enough to tell us these things. If you didn't we'd be miserable!"

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