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Updated: August 13, 2024

"I'm sorry we can't do the wo'k he'a; but I know mocha wouldn't like to. Good-mo'ning,'m!" "No, no! Don't go yet a minute! Won't you just give me my hand bag off the bureau the'a?" Mrs. Lander entreated, and when the girl gave her the bag she felt about among the bank-notes which she seemed to have loose in it, and drew out a handful of them without regard to their value.

But what I will say is that if any young lady within the sound of my voice," he looked round for the applause which did not fail him in his parody of the pulpit style "should get an invitation to a dance next winta, and should feel it a wo'k of a charity to the young man to go, she'll be sorry on his account, rememba that she ha'n't got this pair o' slippas. "The'a!

"We will, we will," said the bishop in a tone that ignored her passionate note. "I am sure Lady Sunderbund will be a great help to us," said Lady Ella. "We want brightening. There's a dinginess...." Lady Sunderbund beamed an acknowledgment. "I shall exact a 'eturn," she said. "I don't mind wo'king, but I shall wo'k like the poo' students in the Middle Ages did, to get my teaching.

I 'lows to myse'f I ain't wo'kin' fu' no sich folks; so sometimes I teks home jes' a weenchy bit o' somep'n' dat nobody couldn't want nohow, an' I knows you ain't gwine 'ject to dat. You do 'ject, you do 'ject! Huh! "I's got to come an' ax you, has I? Look a-hyeah, Mis' Ma'tin, I know I has to wo'k in yo' kitchen. I know I has to cook fu' you, but I want you to know dat even ef I does I's a lady.

"Yes, suh, I's gwine up thaih to wo'k in a hotel. Mistah Ma'ston, he got me the job." The old man reined in his horse slowly, and deposited the liquid increase of a quid of tobacco before he said; "I hyeah tell it's powahful wicked up in dem big cities." "Oh, I reckon I ain't a-goin' to do nuffin wrong. I's goin' thaih to wo'k."

Presently Hattie, tempering her voice with honey, remarked: "Ah suttinly is mighty glad yo' is come up yere to live, Zachariah." "Look here, gal, don' yo' go countin' on me too much," said he, suspiciously. "Ah got all Ah c'n do 'tendin' to mah own wo'k 'thout comin' over yander an' hulpin' yo' "

Landa said, that your motha would come here and fit me!" she lamented. "I guess he didn't undastand, 'm. Motha doesn't eva go out to do wo'k," said Clementina gently but firmly. "Well, I might have known Mr. Landa would mix it up, if it could be mixed; "Mrs.

Let us wo'k this out a little mo' in detail, if you please, suh " "Let us escape while there is yet time!" said Cornish; and we fled. After supper there was a cotillion. The spacious ballroom, with its roof so high that the lights up there were as stars, was a sight which could scarcely be reconciled with the village community which he had found and changed.

"All light," he vouchsafed to the astonished Nan. Next morning she found waiting on the veranda a smiling "china boy" dressed all in clean white. A small cloth bundle lay at his feet. "My name Wing Sam," he announced; "I wo'k you thi'ty dolla' month. Where you keep him bloom?" That day John McGlynn stopped after unloading his boxes to give a little advice. "Chinks are queer," said he.

But what I will say is that if any young lady within the sound of my voice," he looked round for the applause which did not fail him in his parody of the pulpit style "should get an invitation to a dance next winta, and should feel it a wo'k of a charity to the young man to go, she'll be sorry on his account, rememba that she ha'n't got this pair o' slippas. "The'a!

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