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Clementina was amused at his asking, but he seemed in earnest. "One of my sisters lives in Florence, and Mrs. Milray says you think of going there, too." "Mrs. Landa thought it would be a good place to spend the winter. Is it a pleasant place?" "Oh, delightful! Do you know much about Italy?" "Not very much, I don't believe." "Well, my sister has lived a good while in Florence.

The Comte de Landa, a good-natured colossus, proud of his figure and his shoulders, although married and the father of two children, found it difficult to dine at home three times a week; he remained at the club on the other days, with his friends, after the session in the fencing-hall.

I should like to give you a letter to her." "Oh, thank you!" said Clementina. Milray smiled at her spare acknowledgment, but inquired gravely: "What do you expect to do in Florence?" "Why, I presume, whateva Mrs. Landa wants to do." "Do you think Mrs. Lander will want to go into society?" This question had not occurred to Clementina. "I don't believe she will," she said, thoughtfully.

Landa tells us that it was the custom, even at the time of the Spanish conquest, when a person of eminence died to make images of stone, or terra cotta or wood in the semblance of the deceased, whose ashes were placed in a hollow made on the back of the head for the purpose.

Jim drew the patte'n of it from the dress of one of the summa boa'das that he took a fancy to at the Centa, and fatha cut it out, and I helped motha make it. I guess every one of the children helped a little." "Well, it's just as I said, you can all of you do things," said Mrs. Atwell. "But I guess you ah' the one that keeps 'em straight. What did you say Mr. Landa said his wife wanted of you?"

The Portuguese missionaries found these people very tractable converts, and very large bodies of them are very easily governed by a single Malay chief, as at Landa, Songo, and Matan. I have seen very large bodies of them at Kimanis and Maludu, but none of them possessing the ferocity of a Malay. Poivre, "Malacca was a country well peopled, and was consequently well cultivated.

"She's the best gul in the wo'ld, and she won't be one of the poorest; and I shall feel that I'm doin' just what Mr. Landa would have wanted I should. He picked her out himself, moa than three yea's ago, when we was drivin' past her house at Middlemount, and it was to humor him afta he was gone, moa than anything else, that I took her. Well, she wa'n't so very easy to git, either, I can tell you."

Landa said, that your motha would come here and fit me!" she lamented. "I guess he didn't undastand, 'm. Motha doesn't eva go out to do wo'k," said Clementina gently but firmly. "Well, I might have known Mr. Landa would mix it up, if it could be mixed; "Mrs.

To tell you that the name of the CARAS is found over a vast extension of country in America, would be to repeat what the late and lamented Brasseur de Bourbourg has shown in his most learned introduction to the work of Landa, “Relacion de las cosas de Yucatan;” but this I may say, that the description of the customs and mode of life of the people of Yucatan, even at the time of the conquest, as written by Landa, seems to be a mere verbatim plagiarism of the description of the customs and mode of life of the Carians of Asia Minor by Herodotus.

H. de Charencey gives some particulars of his attempt to decipherfragmentsof one or two very brief inscriptions on the bas-relief of the cross at Palenque. I know nothing of his qualifications for this work, but he appears to have studied the characters of the Maya alphabet preserved and explained by Landa.