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I 'lows to myse'f I ain't wo'kin' fu' no sich folks; so sometimes I teks home jes' a weenchy bit o' somep'n' dat nobody couldn't want nohow, an' I knows you ain't gwine 'ject to dat. You do 'ject, you do 'ject! Huh! "I's got to come an' ax you, has I? Look a-hyeah, Mis' Ma'tin, I know I has to wo'k in yo' kitchen. I know I has to cook fu' you, but I want you to know dat even ef I does I's a lady.

On examining her heart it appeared beyond measure strange that the sub- ject of which the season might have been supposed suggestive the event in the hall at Boldwood's was not agitating her at all; but instead, an agonizing con- viction that everybody abjured her for what she could not tell and that Oak was the ringleader of the recusants.

I should not, however, omit to mention that the frequent con- ferences held among the sailors, especially between Owen, Burke, Flaypole, Wilson, and Jynxstrop, the negro, aroused some uneasy suspicions in my mind. What was the sub- ject of their conversation I could not discover, for they became silent immediately that a passenger or one of the officers approached them.

Having disposed of the cowboys, Young Wild West now asked the keeper of the saloon if he thought there would be any objections to their pitching a camp somewhere around in the vicinity. "I reckon not," was the reply. "There ain't no one as lives here in Big Bonanza, what would 'ject ter anything like that.

This is a lover's most stoical virtue, as the lack of it is a lover's most venial sin. Knowing he would reply truly, she asked the question, painful as she must have known the sub- ject would be. Such is the selfishness of some charm- ing women. Perhaps it was some excuse for her thus torturing honesty to her own advantage, that she had absolutely no other sound judgment within easy reach.

Billy betrayed Saxon by begging her in an undertone to sing the verse she had made, and her pretty voice was timidly raised in: "We sit around and gaily pound, And bear no acrimony Because our ob ject is a gob Of sizzling abalone." "Great!" cried the poet, who had winced at ob ject. "She speaks the language of the tribe! Come on, children now!" And all chanted Saxon's lines.