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Updated: August 12, 2024

On seeing these two quiet, wicked-looking women, and these two poor, restless, mute, trembling little children, one could easily guess they were two tormentors and two victims. Calabash, noticing that Amandine had ceased a moment from work, said to her, in a harsh voice, "Will you soon have done with that chemise?"

The fourth man was the hut-keeper, a wicked-looking old villain, who was baking bread. Frank looked at the sleepy young man with the parrot, and said to himself, "There's a bad case." He looked at the flash, yellow-haired young snob who was smoking, and said, "There's a worse." He looked at the villanous grey-headed old hut-keeper, and said, "There's a hopeless case altogether."

"You mean business, do you!" shouted Hal, striding toward him. "Well, so do I!" The man turned at the sound of Hal's voice, and, with upraised knife, awaited the lad's attack. "You cowardly ruffian!" cried Hal, "to attack a defenseless old woman!" As he spoke, he leaped upon the man, dodging the blow the latter aimed at him with the wicked-looking knife.

You look good to me with bracelets on, when you talk so willing to go to jail for murder." He had slipped the rifle butt to the ground, and before Lone quite realised what he was doing Swan had a short, wicked-looking automatic pistol in one hand and a pair of handcuffs in the other. Lone flushed, but there was nothing to do but hold out his hands.

She dropped the useless revolver, trying vainly to force her horse's pace, but inch by inch the fiery chestnut that the Arab was riding crept up nearer alongside. She would not turn to look again, but glancing sideways she could see its small, wicked-looking head, with flat laid ears and vicious, bloodshot eyes, level with her elbow.

Or, she would have stolen in by night to where Atossa slept, and the wicked-looking Indian knife she wore, would have gone down, swift and sure, to the very haft, into the queen's heart. She would not have borne tamely any slight upon her beauty or her claims. But, as it was, she reigned supreme.

Her limbs were more delicately proportioned than is usual among women accustomed to manual labour from childhood. The rosy glow of health lit up her brown but clear cheek, free from freckles and sun-spots. Her eyes, black as sloes, were fringed with long dark eyelashes which gave their glances an espiègle expression. They were very wicked-looking eyes, full of fun and mischief.

It's bad business to let you do anything of the sort. I trust that there will be no hard feeling between us." "Hard feeling?" hissed Jim Duff, his wicked-looking face paler than ever. "Boy, you needn't try to crawl back into my good graces after the way you acted toward me!"

He went for Miller, too, and how he and my sister ever escaped without a terrible slashing before Geraldine shot the brute, nobody knows.... There's his head up there the wicked-looking one over the fireplace." "That's not good sportsmanship," said Duane gravely. Geraldine hung her head, colouring. "I know it; I mean to keep cool; truly, I do. But things happen so quickly "

Bob flashed his electric pocket lamp upon it, and by the yellow and brown mottled spots upon its body and the double plates of whitish scale at its tale, and the wicked-looking triangular head, they were sure it must really be a python, one of the most dreaded of African snakes.

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