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But the warning flakes of snow served in no manner to startle them. The snow had been floating down, and whitening their clothing and adorning the trees with a beautiful icing, for more than half an hour, before anybody gave the coming storm a serious thought. "Perhaps we'd better go back and not get any stuffing for the pillows to-day, Helen," said Ruth, doubtfully.

King places her age at about eighty years. Her husband, Albert King, who died two years ago, was the first Negro policeman employed on the Toledo police force. Mrs. King, whose hair is whitening with age, is a kind and motherly woman, small in stature, pleasing and quiet in conversation. She lives with her adopted daughter, Mrs.

Gaunt told her to-night that to love him was to turn her back on the cross, to be traitor to that blood on Calvary. Was it? She found no answer in the deadened sky, or in her own heart. She would give him up, then? She looked up, her face slowly whitening. "I love him," she said, as one who had a right to speak to God. That was all.

He left her to keep alone her solemn vigil; and through the remaining hours of that starry June night she stirred not from the narrow cot kept her fingers on the sufferer's fleeting pulse, her eyes on his whitening face. About three o'clock he moaned, struggled slightly, and looked intently at her. She gave him some brandy, and found that he swallowed with great difficulty.

The humor kindled in the little man's brown eyes, and his fingers played with his whitening red beard. "Just how strong are those ideals of yours, Mr. Harwood?" "They're pretty strong, I hope, sir." Fitch dropped his feet from the desk, opened a drawer, and drew out a long envelope. "It may amuse you to know that this is the sketch of Bassett you printed in the 'Courier' last fall.

Was the delicious mystery that had surrounded him for so many years, which had occupied his mind hour upon hour, to end in this? He would not have it so! "Get up, then," he said, his lips whitening, "and tell me what you have to say." Scraggy lifted herself up. Her boy wanted to hear more about his father, she thought.

As the sun rose there were indications of squalls in the north eastern quarter, and about noon one of them was whitening to windward.

For the moon, now risen, although on the wane, shed a light sufficient, whitening the rocks and the scattered low shrubs, painting the land with sharp black shadows, and enclosing us about with the mystery of great softly illumined spaces into which silent forms vanished as if tempting us aside.

You swore falsely once that I was a thief; I am now about to be a murderer, and your whitening bones will not be able to witness against me." "I never swore it, Mr. Yorke," pleaded Solomon, passionately. "Your memory is defective," answered Richard, gloomily; "you forget that I was in court myself on that occasion. You did your very worst to blacken me before judge and jury, and you succeeded."

Would he flinch, break down, betray guilt, or simply show astonishment? I chose to believe it was the latter feeling only which informed his slowly whitening and disturbed features. Certainly it was all his words expressed, as his glances flew from the stone to the gloves, and back again to the inspector's face. "I can not believe it. I can not believe it."