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Updated: August 2, 2024

"Troth, mother," answered Hobbie, "ye may say what ye like, but I am in the mind that witches and warlocks havena half the power they had lang syne; at least, sure am I, that ae ill-deviser, like auld Ellieslaw, or ae ill-doer, like that d d villain Westburnflat, is a greater plague and abomination in a country-side than a haill curnie o' the warst witches that ever capered on a broomstick, or played cantrips on Fastern's E'en.

"We are seeking William Graeme of Westburnflat," said Earnscliff. "He's no at hame," returned the old dame. "When did he leave home?" pursued Earnscliff. "I canna tell," said the portress. "When will he return?" said Hobbie Elliot. "I dinna ken naething about it," replied the inexorable guardian of the keep. "Is there anybody within the tower with you?" again demanded Earnscliff.

By many an obscure and winding path, over dale and down, through moss and moor, she was conveyed to the tower of Westburnflat, where she remained strictly watched, but not otherwise ill-treated, under the guardianship of the old woman, to whose son that retreat belonged.

It's born with me lies in my very blude and bane. Why, man, the lads of Westburnflat, for ten lang descents, have been reivers and lifters. They have all drunk hard, lived high, taking deep revenge for light offence, and never wanted gear for the winning." "Right; and thou art as thorough-bred a wolf," said the Dwarf, "as ever leapt a lamb-fold at night. On what hell's errand art thou bound now?"

It is not in my nature, and it is hardly worth my while." "Well, then, disperse your men, and remain quiet, and this will be overlooked, as there has been no overt act." "Hout, ay," said Elliot, "just let byganes be byganes, and a' friends again; deil ane I bear malice at but Westburnflat, and I hae gien him baith a het skin and a cauld ane.

There is not the like of it on this side of the Lowdens We'll have her out, lads, if we should carry off the Tower of Westburnflat stane by stane." Earnscliff, though he doubted the possibility of recognising a fair maiden's hand at such a distance from the eye of the lover, would say nothing to damp his friend's animated hopes, and it was resolved to summon the garrison.

"D'ye think you're to be free to plunder the faulds and byres of a gentle Elliot, as if they were an auld wife's hens'-cavey?" "As I live by bread," replied Willie of Westburnflat "As I live by bread, I have not a single cloot o' them! They're a' ower the march lang syne; there's no a horn o' them about the tower.

"Can your skill not guess?" "Thus far I know," said the Dwarf, "that thy purpose is bad, thy deed will be worse, and the issue worst of all." "And you like me the better for it, Father Elshie, eh?" said Westburnflat; "you always said you did." "I have cause to like all," answered the Solitary, "that are scourges to their fellow-creatures, and thou art a bloody one."

"Yet, nevertheless," resumed Mareschal, "I think we ought to ride in this direction also, otherwise we shall certainly be blamed for our negligence." No reasonable objection could be offered to this proposal, and the party turned their horses' heads towards Westburnflat.

A brook, which issued from a narrow glen among the hills, entered, at Westburnflat, upon the open marshy level, which, expanding about half a mile in every direction, gives name to the spot. In this place the character of the stream becomes changed, and, from being a lively brisk-running mountain-torrent, it stagnates, like a blue swollen snake, in dull deep windings, through the swampy level.

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