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Again, in that marvellous portrait of Wertheimer, the bric-

Lanyard, watching the man closely, would have sworn he had never seen one more sober. He was indescribably perplexed by this ostensible candour mystified and mistrustful. "And then there's this to be considered, from your side," Wertheimer resumed with the most business-like manner: "you can work with us without being obliged to deal in any way with the Old Man or De Morbihan, or Popinot.

In the last thirty years many researches, notably those of Stricker, Exner, Hall, James, Fischer, Stern, Marbe, Lincke, Wertheimer, and Korte have thrown new light on the problem by carefully devised experiments.

The recent experiments by Wertheimer and Korte have gone into still subtler details.

Wertheimer lounged back in his chair and laughed quietly. "Need you ask? Must I recall to you the foundations of my prosperity? You had the name of it glib enough on your tongue the other night in the rue Chaptal.... When you've done your work, you'll come to me and split the proceeds fairly and as long as you do that, never a word will pass my lips!" "Blackmail...!" "Oh, if you insist!

"You haven't been thinking of quitting it what?" Wertheimer demanded innocently, opening his eyes wide. "Perhaps..." "Ah, now I begin to see a light! So that's the reason you've come down to tooling a taxi. I wondered! But somehow, Mr. Lanyard" Wertheimer's eyes narrowed thoughtfully "I can hardly see you content with that line... even if this reform notion isn't simple swank!"

The girl was entering the restaurant by way of the revolving door, Wertheimer in attendance; while De Morbihan, having alighted, was lending a solicitous arm to Bannon. Quite automatically the adventurer drove on, rounded the Madeleine, and turned up the boulevard Malesherbes.

A drop of brandy will do us no end of good." Unbuttoning his leather surtout, he produced a flask from an inner pocket, filled its metal cup, and offered it to the girl. "You first, if you please, Miss Shannon. No I insist. You positively need it." She allowed herself to be persuaded, drank, coughed, gasped, and returned the cup, which Wertheimer promptly refilled and passed to Lanyard.

"Not of necessity," the Count murmured in the same thoughtful tone and manner as one holding a hidden trump. "There are so many ways of arranging these matters," Wertheimer ventured. "None the less, if I refuse, you declare war?" "Something like that," the American admitted. "In that case I am now able to state my position definitely." Lanyard got up and grinned provokingly down at the group.

"And to what," he enquired with the tedious irony of ennui, "is one indebted for this unexpected honour on the part of the First Under-Secretary of the British Secret Service? Or whatever your high-sounding official title is..." "Oh!" Wertheimer replied lazily and knocked out his pipe "I merely dropped in to say good-bye." Duchemin discovered symptoms of more animation. "Hello!