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So it seemed that Wertheimer hadn't believed his protestations, or else Bannon had rejected the report which must have been made him by the girl. In either case, the Pack had not waited for the Lone Wolf to prove his insincerity; it hadn't bothered to declare war; it had simply struck; with less warning than a rattlesnake gives, it had struck out of the dark at his back.

Beit take off his hat to Mrs. Wertheimer! But the millionaires in America seem to be like our aristocracy, only more important, for the non millionaires take a great deal more trouble to stare at them than the common people do at us. After the Casino, there was always the beach, and the most delightful things happened at the beach. It was never twice the same.

For to-morrow night it might, and as Lanyard held surely would, be too late to accomplish what he hoped to accomplish to-night, and for whose accomplishment evening dress was indispensable. Since Wertheimer had passed the word on, the name of the Comte de Lorgnes would be published to the world in the morning papers, and by evening the birds, if they were wise, would be in full flight.

With a short laugh, Wertheimer unmasked and exposed a face of decidedly English type, fair and well-modelled, betraying only the faintest traces of Semitic cast to account for his surname. And with this example, Popinot snatched off his own black visor and glared at Lanyard: in his shabby dress, the incarnate essence of bourgeoisie outraged.

Wertheimer, representing the swell-mobsmen across Channel; Monsieur le Comte standing for the gratin of Paris; Popinot, spokesman for our friends the Apaches; and the well-known Mr. Goodenough Smith, ambassador of the gun-men of New York no doubt. I presume one is to understand you wait upon me as representing the fine flower of the European underworld?"

The raw spirits stung like fire, but proved an instant aid to the badly jangled nerves of the adventurer. In another moment he was much more himself. Drinking in turn, Wertheimer put away the flask. "That's better!" he commented. "Now I'll be able to cut along with this blessed machine without fretting over the fate of Ekstrom. But till now I haven't been able to forget "

The late Samson Wertheimer, then in Greek Street, Soho, was steadily making a reputation by the excellence of the metal mountings of his own design and workmanship, which he applied to caskets of French style.

"Which," Wertheimer continued, standing, "is why we arranged to give him that billet with the British Legation in Peking." "Didn't know you had a hand in that," observed Duchemin, after favouring the other with a morose stare. "Oh, you can't trust me!

You must know one " "Thanks no," said Lanyard dryly. "If I must confabulate with gentlemen of your kidney, I prefer to keep it dark. Even dressed as I am, I might be recognized, you know." But it was evident that Wertheimer didn't mean to permit himself to be ruffled. "Then will my modest diggings do?" he suggested pleasantly.

"Less through self-satisfaction than in contempt for a pack of murderous mongrels impatience that I have to consider such creatures as Popinot, Wertheimer, De Morbiban and all their crew." "And Bannon," she corrected calmly "you meant to say!" "Wel-l " he stammered, discountenanced. "It doesn't matter," she assured him.