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Rylance did not put himself forward as a buyer. His craving for more territory always ended in words. Urania Rylance had spent much of her girlhood at Kingthorpe, and had always been made welcome at The Knoll; but although she saw the Wendovers established upon their native soil, the rulers of the land, and revered by all the parish, she had grown up with the firm conviction that Dr.

Langham, however, who always treated the subjects of conversation presented to him as an epicure treats foods, felt at this point that he had had enough of the Wendovers, and started something else. 'So you physic bodies as well as minds? he said, pointing to the medicine cupboard. 'I should think so! cried Robert, brightening at once.

Dr. Rylance, whose dainty verandah shaded cottage stood in gardens of three and a half acres, and who rented a paddock for his cow, was always lamenting that he could not buy more land. 'The Wendovers have everything, he said. 'It is impossible for a new man to establish himself. It was to be observed, however, that when land within a reasonable distance of Kingthorpe came into the market, Dr.

She would rather have been racing those wild young Wendovers down the slippery hill-side, on which they were perilling their necks; she would rather have been lying beside the lake in Kingthorpe Park, reading her well-thumbed Tennyson, or her shabby little Keats. Her thoughts had wandered ever so far away when she was called back to the work-a-day world by finding that Dr.

Bess and John and the babies are coming to us, and Vernon Palliser is going to the Homestead, and his mother is coming over from Bournemouth to stay a few days with Aunt Betsy; so you see it will be a grand family gathering of Wendovers and Pallisers. Now, if you are anything like the man you were seven years ago, prove it by joining us on this occasion.

She had been a bright young girl, under-nurse when the old squire was born; and now the squire had been lying at rest in the family vault for nigh upon fifteen years, and here she was still, without kith or kin, or a friend in the world except the Wendovers.

There were times when to hear him talk people thought him a youth gnawed and consumed by ambition, only panting for the opportunity to work. Two days after the Wendovers had gone back, Brian showed his wife a letter from his cousin, Brian of the Abbey.

This was a kind of thing quite new to her in her experience of the Wendovers, who were not a bookish race.

I should say from the last accounts that he was breaking. 'He had a mysterious attack of illness just before I left, said Robert gravely. 'It made one anxious. 'Oh, it is the old story. All the Wendovers have died of weak hearts or queer brains generally of both together. I imagine you had some experience of the squire's queerness at one time, Mr. Elsmere.

Miss Rylance was the daughter of a fashionable physician, whose head-quarters were in Cavendish Square, but who spent his leisure at a something which he called 'a place' at Kingthorpe, a lovely little village between Winchester and Romsey, where the Wendovers were indigenous to the soil, whence they seemed to have sprung, like the armed men in the story; for remotest tradition bore no record of their having come there from anywhere else, nor was there record of a time when the land round Kingthorpe belonged to any other family.