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It is owing to her conscientious work that the tapestry repairers of museums can find appropriate threads. It is interesting to trace the differing gamut of colour through the ages. Old dyes produced, old weavers needed, but twenty tones for the old work. Tapestries of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries were as simple in scale as stained glass, and as honest.

A ship called the "North America" brought a load of 130 young Scotch people who shipped from Broomielaw Quay, in April, 1854. They were induced to come by the superior inducements offered here, and some of the best weavers ever employed in the mills came from Scotland. Later there was a large immigration from the Canadas, and from Ireland. The entire population by the census of 1850 was 3,715.

If you ever hear that horn, I implore you to hasten to the square." "The weavers would not fight?" "You do not know how the Chartists have fired this part of the country. One misty day, a week ago, I was on the hill; I thought I had it to myself, when suddenly I heard a voice cry sharply, 'Shoulder arms. I could see no one, and after a moment I put it down to a freak of the wind.

The leader and his orchestra were the weavers of the rich robe of sound, in which alone the hidden spirit of Music, daughter of Psyche and Amor, becomes perceptible to mortal sense.

She left the AEolian harp in the window, as a luxury if she should wake, and coiled herself up among lace pillows and eider blemos; and the hound coiled himself up on the gravel-walk, after a solemn vesper-ceremony of three turns round in his own length, looking vainly for a 'soft stone. The finest of us are animals after all, and live by eating and sleeping: and, taken as animals, not so badly off either unless we happen to be Dorsetshire labourers or Spitalfields weavers or colliery children or marching soldiers or, I am afraid, one half of English souls this day.

In the very pew I says canny to mysel', 'Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Job, the which should be a help, but the moment the minister gi'es out that awfu' book, away goes Ezra like the Egyptian." "And you after her," said Elspeth, "like the weavers that wouldna fecht. You make a windmill of your Bible." "Oh, I winna admit I'm beat. Never mind there's queer things in the world forby Ezra.

Then come the prattling of infants, the noisy household, children watching for her word and waiting for her kiss, the reckoning up of expenses, the preparation to meet the outlay. On one side you will see a company of cooks, girded for the onslaught and attacking the meat; there you may hear the hum of a multitude of weavers.

By 1911 the International Shingle Weavers Union had attained a membership of nearly 2,000, the majority of whom were in accord with the Industrial Workers of the World. The question of affiliation with the I. W. W. was widely discussed and was only prevented from going to a referendum vote by the efforts of a few officials.

It is possible that the waiter who brought him the water to shave, for Rip's beard, we are told, had grown uncommonly long might exhibit a little of that wear and tear to which humanity is liable from time; but had he questioned him as to the ruling topics the proper amusements of the day he would have heard, as he might have done twenty years before, that there was a meeting to convert Jews at the Rotunda; another to rob parsons at the Corn Exchange; that the Viceroy was dining with the Corporation, and congratulating them on the prosperity of Ireland, while the inhabitants were regaled with a procession of the "broad ribbon weavers," who had not weaved, heaven knows when!

Letelsia Fye, Everett citizen; Jake Michel, Secretary Everett Building Trades Council; Herbert Mahler, Secretary Seattle I. W. W. and subsequently secretary of the Everett Prisoners' Defense Committee; Robert Mills, business agent Everett Shingle Weavers' Union; James Orr, and Levi Remick, I. W. W. members; James Rowan, I. W. W. organizer; and James P. Thompson, National Organizer for the I. W. W. and a speaker of international reputation.