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Updated: August 27, 2024

Ten, youse is weally mine vewy own now, ain't youse? Buddy said youse would be if ve doed it." The man made two attempts before he could answer. Then he laid his lips reverently on the rosebud mouth. "Yes, honey, I'm sure in your brand now," he said gently. And he quietly but firmly declined the glass of whiskey proffered him by her father as he sat her on the end of the dingy counter.

'Why, I went all by myself, he answered. 'Twuly? she asked. 'Weally and twuly, he answered, laughing. 'Couldn't you take me? she asked. 'I will next time, he replied. The child still looked at him, unsatisfied. 'But what did you go for? she asked, goading him suspiciously. 'To see the sea and the ships and the fighting ships with cannons

He came up to the porch gloomily, hanging his head. "Lavwuska!" he shouted loudly and angrily, "take it off, blockhead!" "Well, I am taking it off," replied Lavrushka's voice. "Ah, you're up already," said Denisov, entering the room. "Long ago," answered Rostov, "I have already been for the hay, and have seen Fraulein Mathilde." "Weally! And I've been losing, bwother.

'Then one won't crawl on you, said Gerald, smiling and knowing. In some strange way he understood her. 'It's metaphysical, as Gerald says, Birkin stated. There was a little pause of uneasiness. 'And are you afraid of nothing else, Pussum? asked the young Russian, in his quick, hushed, elegant manner. 'Not weally, she said. 'I am afwaid of some things, but not weally the same.

Rosalind, however, only ejaculated, "Oh, weally!" in an uninterested manner, and whipped up her ponies without taking any further notice of the suggestion; but it had taken root in her mind all the same, and she did not forget to question her brother on the first opportunity. Mellicent Asplin had said that Peggy Saville was clever at decoration.

You see, you isn't our aunt weally, not by no manner of wights, and Uncle Ben isn't our uncle, and so we ought not to stay here; and if we go back to Wectory, why, Uncle William, what's our weal uncle, p'w'aps he would pay you money, if it's money you wants."

If he's kind to you, why, all will be right, and, for my part, I'll see you want for nothing." "I do believe," said Diana, her eyes sparkling; she turned as she spoke and clasped one of Orion's hands "I do weally b'lieve this is better nor aunt's. Do come 'long, Orion; I always did love circuses."

"Well, it weally would be better, wouldn't it? I will have a tway sent in to you here, and do, Mawiquita, see that evewything is swept up and made tidy at once, for I shall bring them in to look wound diwectly after tea, and we must have the wooms tidy!" Rosalind tripped away, and Peggy was left to herself for a lonely and troublesome hour.

Esther and Mellicent gasped with amazement, while Rosalind gave a trill of laughter, and threw up her pretty white hands. "She's wexed!" she cried. "She's wexed, because I called her little! I'm wewwy sowwy, but I weally can't help it, don't you know. It's the twuth! You are a whole head smaller than I am." She threw back her chin, and looked over Peggy's head with a smile of triumph.

"And drive to church in a village fly, and come back to a scwamble meal in the dining-woom! Pwesents laid out on the schoolwoom table, and all the pawishioners cwowding together in the dwawingwoom. I can't just imagine a vicarage marriage, and how you have the courage to face it, Mawiquita, I weally can't think!" cried Rosalind, in her most society drawl.

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