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Updated: August 1, 2024

I, too, can hardly tell why, but as I enter'd the city in the slight haze of a late September afternoon, and have breath'd its air, and slept well o' nights, and have roam'd or rode leisurely, and watch'd the comers and goers at the hotels, and absorb'd the climatic magnetism of this curiously attractive region, there has steadily grown upon me a feeling of affection for the spot, which, sudden as it is, has become so definite and strong that I must put it on record."

Swift from his couch he sprung, and 'scap'd the blow; When from an unknown hand the arrows fly, That lay the ruffian, in his vengeance, low. He groan'd, he died! from forth a column'd gate A fearful shepherd, pale and silent, crept, Who, as he watch'd his folded flock star-late, Had mark'd the robber steal where Hamet slept. He fear'd his own, and sav'd a stranger's life!

Him to deceive, for all his watchful ward, The wily lover did devise this slight. First, into many parts, his stream he shared, That whilst the one was watch'd, the other might Pass unespide, to meet her by the way. And then besides, those little streams, so broken, He under ground so closely did convey, That of their passage doth appear no token.

His heart, you may be sure, got up to his mouth, for he knew she would be apt to take him out of his difficulties. When she came up "'Now, Jack, says she, 'there is not a minute to be lost, for I'm watch'd; and if it's discovered that I gave you any assistance, we will both be destroyed.

Him who lured thee and forsook, Oft I watch'd with angry gaze, Fearful saw his pleading look, Anxious heard his fervid phrase. Soft the glances of the youth, Soft his speech, and soft his sigh; But no sound like simple truth, But no true love in his eye. Loathing thy polluted lot, Hie thee, maiden, hie thee hence! Seek thy weeping mother's cot, With a wiser innocence.

Desperately I strove to raise my fallen sire again, And call'd upon my mother; but her eye Was closed alike to sorrow, want, and pain. Oh, what a night was that! when all alone I watch'd my dead beside the cold hearth-stone. I thought myself a monster that the deed To save my mother was too promptly done.

How sweet the milkmaid sung, As she sat beside her cow, How clear her wild notes rung; There's no music like it now. As I watch'd the ship's white sail 'Mid the sunbeams on the sea, Spreading canvas to the gale How I long'd with her to be. I thought not of the storm, Nor the wild cries on her deck, When writhed her graceful form 'Mid the hurricane and wreck.

When John Brown mounted the scaffold in Virginia, in 1860, the poet says: "I was at hand, silent I stood with teeth shut close, I watch'd, I stood very near you, old man, when cool and indifferent, but trembling with age and your unheal'd wounds, you mounted the scaffold," very near him he stood in spirit; very near him he stood in the person of others, but not in his own proper person.

"O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly streaming? And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.

It was a very small much-thumbed book a religious story for infants, given her by her mother when she had first learn'd to read. While they were all keeping this solemn stillness-broken only by the suppress'd sobs of those who stood and watch'd for the passing away of the girl's soul a confusion of some one entering rudely, and speaking in a turbulent voice, was heard in an adjoining apartment.

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